If it were to happen, then Star Wars: Episode X could show Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order, giving viewers something previous movies in the saga have often skipped or not needed to show. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker brought the Skywalker saga to a close, meaning an end for the episodic movies that have made up the majority of Star Wars‘ cinematic output and defining legacy since it began back in 1977. But, while Lucasfilm and Disney may leave it at that, especially with so many other upcoming Star Wars movies and shows, more cannot be ruled out.

After all, there were times during Star Wars‘ dark age of the late 1980s when the prequels happening seemed unlikely. Likewise, after the negative response to the prequel trilogy, many thought Star Wars was over again. So while the Skywalker saga has ended, it is possible it will somehow return. Even with the divisive response to the sequel trilogy, a potential Star Wars: Episode 10 – and then, presumably, Star Wars 11 and Star Wars 12 – would be lucrative for Disney, especially with a bit of time to heal the wounds – much like what happened between the prequels and the sequels. What’s more, there is a chance for Star Wars: Episode 10 to do something different, and still build on The Rise of Skywalker.


In The Rise of Skywalker‘s ending, Rey proclaims herself a Skywalker and ignites a new yellow lightsaber. While there’s room for interpretation and her path as it stands remains open, the implications of that moment – and indeed her journey so far – is that she will forge a new way ahead for the Jedi, rebuilding the Order in her own image: one that honors Luke, Leia, and all those who came before, but also realizes that the dogmatic ways must change, giving greater freedom and balance in the Force. Star Wars: Episode X, then, could pick up this story, showing Rey building a new Jedi Order (perhaps with the help of the Skywalker Force Ghosts), which isn’t something the movies have ever focused on before. In the prequels, the Jedi Order already existed, and was then wiped out; in the original trilogy, it no longer existed; in the sequels, Luke had already tried and failed off-screen.

This is a rare chance to show what building the Jedi Order actually looks like, and what it takes to make it succeed. It’s perhaps the best challenge to give Rey in the future, as she struggles with the weight of legacy and what the Order is supposed to mean, and across a new trilogy it can be used to prepare for an emerging threat, which would also allow Episodes 10, 11, and 12 to span a much greater period of time, something else that ultimately let the sequels down. This way, a new trilogy wouldn’t be simply repeating what has come before; indeed, with a new Jedi Order, then there’s room for much further exploration of the Force, how it works, and what balance really means – concepts the Star Wars movies have sometimes grappled with, but never tackled in as much depth as they could do given how rich an area it is to explore.

This would work well for Rey and other Jedi too – so often Star Wars, and hero’s journey narratives in general, show the beginning of training, where they have no knowledge, to them discovering a level of skill and then being incredibly adept, without showing all of the growing pains and what it really takes to become a Jedi. This can enhance Rey’s own skills and development, and pass on to the new generation, so that Star Wars: Episode X can give a much greater study of becoming a Jedi and understanding the Force in ways Star Wars movies haven’t before.

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