In the Star Wars franchise, Order 66 is a directive ingrained in every clone trooper to eliminate members of the Jedi Order, but some Clones managed to disobey the order. In both canon and the original Expanded Universe (also known as Legends), clone troopers, no matter their rank and training, were human beings at the end of the day, and thus, through supreme acts of will (and help from non-clones), many were able to overcome their conditioning and refuse to murder their Jedi allies.

Unfortunately, no matter how many clones disobeyed Order 66 in either continuity, the Republic still became twisted into the Galactic Empire and the Jedi were still brought to near-extinction. Order 66 was ultimately the true purpose of the clone troopers. Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, and, in part, even the clones’ genetic template Jango Fett, created the clone army for the specific goal of destroying the Jedi Order. The tragedy of the clones in both timelines is that they were fundamentally good, individual, men who gradually conquered their programming, except for the one, sinister, task they were made to perform, in most cases.


Order 66 itself is not the same in canon as it is in Legends. In the Expanded Universe, Order 66 is one of one hundred fifty contingency orders that the Clones are programmed to carry out in an emergency. Clones caught disobeying contingency orders are put to death, and their indoctrination likely put the heaviest possible emphasis on Order 66 in particular. In Star Wars canon, Order 66 is kept entirely secret from the public and the Jedi and is specifically enforced by a brain implant added to all Clones before they’re born. These “control chips” removed a clone’s free will and made them attack Jedi without question. Nevertheless, clones from both canons managed to disobey Order 66 through various means.


Able-1707 was a standard clone trooper who appears in the Legends-era Empire and Rebellion comics. In the second year of the Clone Wars, his transport was shot down by CIS forces over the jungle world of Lubang Minor. He was the only one to make it out of the crash alive, and for the next 21 years, he survived the uninhabited world, and thus never followed Order 66. Months after the Battle of Yavin, Able encountered Rebel forces, including Luke Skywalker, near the crash site. Luke explained to him how the Republic became the Empire, and betrayed the Jedi, with the few survivors joining a Rebellion to restore democracy. Despite of his conditioning, Able chooses to side with the Jedi and join the Rebels, becoming one of their most elite operatives. Able proves that even the standard clone troopers are both individuals and among the most formidable non-Force sensitive warriors in the galaxy.


Similar to Able, HOB-147 was a standard clone, in this case, a starfighter pilot who appears in the Expanded Universe Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures comics. During a space battle, 147’s V-19 Torrent was destroyed, but he was rescued by a scavenger who helped him heal from his injuries. While 147 was recovering, he missed Order 66. Upon fully recovering, he learned that Order 66 had been executed, and to complicate things, the scavenger was also harboring Jedi younglings. While Able’s disobedience was more ideological, 147’s was more personal. He refused to carry out his order, having spent weeks aboard the vessel and having his life saved by the scavenger. When the ship was intercepted by now-Imperial clone troopers, 147 assured them that no Jedi were aboard the ship, ensuring the survival of both the scavenger and the Jedi younglings.

Omega and Yayax Squads

The Clone Commandos of Omega Squad were the protagonists of the Expanded Universe Republic Commando novels. Like all Clone Commando units, Omega Squad was trained by a Mandalorian warrior who was personally recruited by Jango Fett (in the Expanded Universe, Jango and Boba ARE Mandalorians). Their training instructor, Kal Skirata, was more concerned with preserving Mandalorian culture than loyalty to the Republic, and this trait was passed on to Omega Squad’s Clones. Moreover, the squad’s demolitions expert, Darman, was in a romantic relationship with their Jedi General, Etain Tur-Mukan. Due to Skirata’s influence and support for Darman, Omega Squad refused to follow Order 66.

Another Clone Commando group, Yayax Squad, had a smaller role in the Republic Commando novels, and like Omega Squad, these clones disobeyed Order 66. Cov, the leader of Yayax Squad, was in love with Kal Skirata’s daughter, and after the fall of the Republic, he and his squad deserted so they could join Kal and live out the rest of their lives on the Mandalorian homeworld. These commando squads demonstrate the potential love lives of clones, as well as the brotherhood the Clones shared, as they were willing to disobey their most important directive to support their squad members.

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Null-Class ARC Troopers

Featured prominently in the Legends-era Republic Commando novels, the six Null-Class ARC Troopers were the first Jango Fett clones produced. Their Kaminoan creators saw them as imperfect (specifically too independent for their liking), so they callously planned to execute them. Kal Skirata, disgusted by their disregard of human life, saved the young clones and adopted them as his sons. The Null ARC Troopers’ place in the Republic army was shaky at best, so it’s unsurprising that they disobeyed Order 66 and deserted along with their adopted father. The Nulls represented the Mandalorian heritage shared by all Clone Troopers, and in their case, it was far more important than the schemes of the Jedi, Republic, and Sith.


The Alpha-Class ARC Troopers were perhaps the deadliest Clones in the Republic army. Trained personally by Jango Fett himself and lacking the mental modifications that most clones received, they were the pinnacle of the Republic army. Nevertheless, their free-thinking nature resulted in many Alphas refusing to follow Order 66. One such ARC Trooper, Maze, who appears in the EU’s Republic Commando novels, was a voracious reader with strong political opinions and fondness for the Jedi Knights. With Maze’s democracy-favoring views and appreciation for the Jedi Order, it’s no secret why he ultimately didn’t support a fascist regime and their orders to commit genocide against the Jedi.


Fives was one of the first prominent clone trooper characters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His journey from “Shiny” (rookie) clone trooper also featured some of the show’s best character development. Unfortunately for Fives, he doomed himself in the sixth season by being one of the first to learn about the Control Chips and removing his own well before Order 66 was issued. In one of his cruelest moments, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine personally reveals his Sith identity and the true purpose of the chips to Fives, knowing that nobody would believe him, as well as framing Fives as an unstable and violent clone. Fives managed to tell fellow clones Rex and Kix about the chips, but it wasn’t enough to stop his own friendly fire-death or the successful activation of Order 66 at the end of the war. Nevertheless, Fives’ discoveries and attempts to reveal the truth had a profound effect on the rest of the Star Wars saga.


For one of the most popular characters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (and an incredibly popular Star Wars character in general), it was a relief to see that Rex was one of the few clones in canon to disobey Order 66. Rex was a major character of Dave Filoni’s The Clone Wars, often starring in entire story arcs, where he grappled with the humanity of the clone troopers. Rex took Fives’ warnings about the Control Chips seriously and made an official report of his feelings on the matter. It was because of his report that Ahsoka Tano was able to stun him and remove his chip, thus restoring Rex’s free will and allowing the two to escape into hiding after Order 66 was issued. As seen in Star Wars Rebels, Rex would later join the Rebel Alliance, proving to be invaluable in many conflicts against the Empire, including the Liberation of Lothal and the Battle of Endor (Rex has a retroactive cameo in Return of the Jedi).

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Appearing in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, Wolffe is a gruff, curmudgeonly, clone officer with a rarely-seen friendly side and some particularly traumatic experiences during the Clone Wars (note his cybernetic eye that replaces the one he lost to Asajj Ventress). The story of how Wolffe had his Control Chip removed hasn’t been told yet, but he avoided joining the Empire, eventually joined the Rebellion along with Rex and Gregor. After his chip was removed, Gregor was left extremely paranoid and protective of himself and his brothers.


A Clone Commando from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Gregor spent a portion of the Clone Wars with trauma and injury-induced amnesia, working as a dishwasher in a diner on Abafar before regaining his memories and rejoining the fight against the Separatist Alliance. Like Wolffe, the circumstances of how he got rid of his Control Chip are unknown, but like him and Rex, Gregor maintained his free will and eventually joined the Rebellion, as seen in Star Wars Rebels. Though more than a little eccentric, Gregor fought bravely in the Liberation of Lothal, though it came at the cost of his life. Gregor died as few clones ultimately did: Fighting free from the influence of Darth Sidious.


A kind and dependable clone medic, Kix served under Rex, as shown in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Like Rex, Kix heeded Fives’ warnings about the Control Chips but, unlike Rex, Kix sought to discover their true function. He ultimately did but, while he subsequently didn’t follow Order 66, he was unable to warn anybody about it, as Count Dooku had Kix kidnapped to preserve the secrecy of the order. Kix was put into suspended animation and stored aboard a Separatist warship, but during a battle with Republic forces, the vessel crash-landed on a remote desert world. Kix was revived by the pirate captain Sidon Ithano during the war between the Resistance and the First Order. Kix joined Ithano’s crew and presumably fought alongside his captain in the Battle of Exegol, which would mirror Rex’s participation in the Battle of Endor.


Introduced into Star Wars canon in the Star Wars: Kanan comics, Grey serves under Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Padawan Caleb Dume. Grey enjoyed a close friendship with Billaba and Dume, but when Order 66 was issued, his Control Chip overrode this for a time. While Grey and his men gunned down Billaba and spent days tracking Dume, he gradually began to question his actions. While pursuing a ship harboring Caleb, Grey finally gathered enough willpower to overcome his Control Chip’s influence and sabotaged his own ship, sacrificing his life and the life of his men to save his friend. While Grey had obeyed Order 66 at first, he performed an astounding feat of mental strength by resisting his Control Chip.

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The Bad Batch

Clone Force 99, introduced in The Clone Wars and now the protagonists of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, is comprised of enhanced Clone Commandos with mutations that render each clone a super-soldier. An unintended side effect of their mutations is immunity to their control chips, allowing the Bad Batch to disobey Order 66 as any other clone would when acting on their own free will. One commando, Echo, was not born with mutations but is a cyborg whose reconstruction rendered him immune to his implant like the rest of the squad. The Bad Batch’s sniper, Crosshair, is the only commando who obeyed Order 66, as his mutations didn’t protect him from his implant’s influence.

Cut Lawquane

A rarity among clones in the Star Wars canon timeline, Cut Lawquane met Captain Rex in The Clone Wars where he’s revealed to be a deserter. Traumatized and disgusted by the loss of his brethren early in the war, Cut fled the Republic and took up the life of a farmer on Saleucami, becoming a husband and father in the process. Cut didn’t remove his control chip by the time Order 66 was issued, but his lack of contact with the Republic military prevented him from becoming brainwashed, so he didn’t obey the order. Shortly after the Clone Wars ended, Rex visited Cut to warn him about his implant, though it’s unclear if Lawquane plans to remove his chip or if he already did by the time he reappears in The Bad Batch.

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