Star Wars provides a thorough explanation for The Empire Strikes Back’s Dagobah cave. The movie includes a famous sequence where Luke Skywalker enters the cave as part of his Jedi training. There, he believes he’s confronted by Darth Vader and seemingly defeats the Sith Lord in a lightsaber duel. Only after does Luke realize what he saw was a vision, with his own face revealed to be under Vader’s mask. It remains one of the most memorable scenes in the Skywalker saga, as it served as an important lesson for Luke.

The cave, which is canonically known as the Cave of Evil, has appeared in other Star Wars media since then, most notably in The Clone Wars and one of the comics. These appearances helped shed additional light on the cave, as other characters such as Yoda and Kylo Ren (who destroyed the cave) entered to combat their worst fears. With The Empire Strikes Back celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, the Cave of Evil is once again in the spotlight, with a new book providing further explanations.


The recently-published novel From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back retells the film’s events from the perspective of various characters. One of the chapters is told from the point of view of the vergence that lives inside the Cave of Evil. The formless entity has been there for “a millennium,” encountering a number of Force users over that time. Through these interactions, the vergence learned concepts such as time, thoughts, memories, and fear. That combination allows the entity to sense the mind of whoever steps into the cave, allowing it to project their deepest fears. Yoda, interestingly, appears to be the only one to visit the cave multiple times.

Dagobah is one of the Star Wars planets richest in the Force, with the Cave of Evil being one of the primary reasons why. It’s fascinating to know that it’s been on the swamp world for a very long time and has seen many Jedi pass through. Star Wars is about to flesh out a new era of galactic history with the High Republic publishing initiative, so it’s possible the Cave of Evil could make an appearance or two in those books, meeting some of the new Jedi characters that will be featured. While the franchise does need to branch out with fresh ideas, it is possible for Star Wars to bridge the old with the new in compelling ways. It could make for good storytelling if the Jedi of generations past visited the Cave of Evil.

As evidenced by its name, the Cave of Evil takes delight in terrifying its visitors with horrifying visions (the entity is particularly gleeful to conjure Darth Vader for Luke), but towards the end of chapter it has an epiphany with regards to its dynamic with Yoda. It realizes the old Jedi Master “relied on my darkness” since Yoda always looked to confront his fear and learn from it. In a way, Yoda’s time with the Cave of Evil connects to his final teachings to Luke in The Last Jedi. The greatest teacher, failure is, and the Cave of Evil provides the lessons that must be learned, be it Luke in The Empire Strikes Back or other Jedi off-screen.

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