Warning! Spoilers for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Monster of Temple Peak

For years fans have been asking Star Wars to bring the famed Gray Jedi back into canon, and they’ve never been closer. Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Monster of Temple Peak features the lightsaber-wielding, Force-sensitive, ex-Jedi monster hunter, Ty Yorrick. With some Jedi training under her belt, but no connection to the Order, readers finally get to see what happens when a Jedi goes rogue, but not Sith!

The 2021 Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project has brought back into canon much of the lore that was labeled as Legends in 2012. Diving into Jedi Order as it was more than 200 years before A New Hope, this project has yielded amazing insights into what makes a Jedi a Jedi. Furthermore, it’s given a look into the greatly missed concept of a “Gray Jedi.” A Gray Jedi is neither Jedi nor Sith, sensitive to the Force, generally carrying a lightsaber, but not affiliated with any Order. They sought balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, believing that both sides were essential and should be mastered. Early in 2021, the series introduced Orla Jareni, a Jedi Wayseeker. Wayseekers, while still technically Jedi, are not required to report to the Jedi Council, opting to wander wherever the Force may prompt them. Star Wars took this “Gray Jedi” idea a huge step further with The Monster of Temple Peak, and its protagonist, Ty Yorrick.


Created by Cavan Scott and Rachael Stott, Ty is the closest Star Wars canon has come to a Gray Jedi since 2012. Described in sales materials as a “saber for hire,” Yorrick hunts dangerous creatures for a living, with no ties to any organization or family. Frequent flashbacks throughout the first two issues show Ty’s Padawan training, and her somewhat romantic relationship with another young Jedi, Klias Teradine. Klias is portrayed as powerful and very progressive in his views of the Force, telling Yorrick, “Why limit ourselves to just the Jedi?” He encourages her frequently to explore alternative philosophies. Yorrick followed the counsel of her friend, leaving the Jedi order for reasons still unknown. Even Ty’s master told her, “You need to follow your own path, rather than pretending to be someone you’re not.” She does this, cutting down monsters with her beautiful purple lightsaber.

Although lacking the training of a Jedi Knight, Yorrick utilizes Force abilities such as bonding with animals, moving objects, and sensing nearby enemies. While this demonstrates that Ty Yorrick believes in the Force, she shows little attachment to the Jedi religion. She is frequently seen using chance tiles to determine her life decisions by luck, rather than searching her feelings and following the Force. The major difference between the Legends version of Gray Jedi and Ty Yorrick is seen in her lack of power. While she does use the Force, Ty is quite underpowered by Jedi or Sith standards. After accidentally throwing someone over a cliff, Ty attempts to catch them using the Force but is unable. This seems to indicate the Force is less powerful without Jedi or Sith training in current Star Wars canon.

While not the powerful rogues seen in Legends, Gray Jedi are certainly finding their place in the new Star Wars universe. Ty Yorrick, by most definitions of the term, is a Gray Jedi. Despite being slightly redefined, fans now have a goodnatured, Force-sensitive individual operating outside of the Jedi order. As the High Republic series continues, it’s likely that canon will only get closer to the true Gray Jedi concept, and a true understanding of the Living Force.

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