Palpatine was the greatest Sith Lord in both Star Wars continuities, but the Legends timeline introduced the Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya, a villain who rivaled even Darth Sidious. Following their apparent destruction during the Ruusan Campaign, Darth Bane established the Rule of Two as a means of mitigating the inevitability of betrayal among Sith and to allow them to undermine their ancient enemies, the Jedi. Thanks to Bane, each generation of the Sith was more powerful than their predecessor, and Palpatine, as the last Sith master in Bane’s dynasty, was truly the greatest dark lord in the order’s history.


Following his final death on Onderon, the Sith Lady Lumiya established the next iteration of the Sith Order, with power and ingenuity comparable to her galaxy-ruling predecessor. Palpatine is often said, and deservedly so, to be the strongest Sith Lord in both canon and Legends, but a case could also be made for Vitiate, the antagonist of Star Wars: The Old Republic, being even stronger. The Son of Mortis in canon and the abomination known as Abeloth in Legends also far exceed the power of most beings—but neither of them are Sith. Palpatine is, without doubt, one of the most powerful Sith of all time, but his real strength as both a Dark Lord and a villain was his cruel, Machiavellian, brilliance and skill at manipulation.

Introduced in Marvel’s Legends-era Star Wars comics, Shira Brie was an Imperial military operative before becoming a Sith. When her astounding strength in the Force became clear, Darth Vader began training her as a Sith, making her his agent—similar to The Emperor and his adopted daughter, Mara Jade. Upon ascending to Sith Ladyship, Lumiya quickly proved her lethal skill in lightsaber combat against Luke Skywalker himself, but her real strength was similar to Palpatine’s. Lumiya managed to turn Han and Leia’s oldest child to the dark side, creating Darth Caedus and plunging the galaxy into the Second Galactic Civil War.

During the events of Return of the Jedi, Lumiya was on the ancient Sith world of Ziost, completing her training and crafting her lightwhip, a Sith-designed lightsaber-like weapon with a flexible, whip-like, energy blade. Lumiya continued to study the history, culture, and practices of the Sith after Vader and Palpatine’s deaths during the Battle of Endor, and she continued on her path during and after Palpatine’s resurrections and final death. Lumiya’s Sith replaced Bane’s generation and continued to menace the galaxy after Palpatine.

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Less than a year after he bested Darth Vader himself, Luke Skywalker was soundly defeated in a duel with Lumiya on Kinooine, proving the Dark Lady’s incredible skill in combat. Though Luke won their rematch, the two continued to fight on even terms well after Luke reached the peak of his strength as Jedi Grandmaster. Lumiya’s years of studying Sith artifacts and tomes, in addition to her tutelage under Vader, rendered her powerful in the dark side, with a particular aptitude for casting illusions.

During a time where Luke’s New Jedi Order had vastly improved on the failings of its predecessor, Lumiya managed to manipulate Jacen Solo into becoming a Sith Lord. Taking advantage of his trauma, following his time as a POW during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Lumiya convinced Jacen that the Sith were a necessary evil who could prevent an apocalyptic future. Like his grandfather, Anakin, Jacen sacrificed his humanity and the lives of his loved ones—such as his aunt, Mara Jade—to become a Sith, and he plunged the galaxy into yet another destructive war, all thanks to Lumiya’s manipulations. While Palpatine was perhaps the Star Wars franchise’s most dangerous Sith Lord, Lumiya proved to be his most worthy successor, with cunning and fighting skills comparable to his.

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