Darth Vader is easily the most iconic Star Wars villain of all time – but just how powerful is the Dark Lord of the Sith? Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One, conceived by the Force itself. According to Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he had a midichlorian count higher than even Master Yoda. This meant he had the potential to access the Force and achieve feats no other Jedi or Sith had ever managed.

Of course, power isn’t everything, as Anakin Skywalker learned the hard way in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In terms of power alone, the duel between the newly-christened Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi should have been an easy win for the Chosen One. Instead, Kenobi successfully defeated him, leaving Vader crippled. As shown in Charles Soule’s Darth Vader runs, Palpatine initially feared the loss of his limbs would reduce Vader’s potential, and that he had lost motivation due to his defeat at Mustafar. Fortunately for the Emperor, Darth Vader soon proved that wasn’t the case.


Paul S. Kemp’s novel Lords of the Sith is set shortly after the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. It sees Palpatine construct an elaborate test of his apprentice, with the two Sith Lords working together after a terrorist attack. Vader, the Emperor learns, has concluded the loss of his limbs has worked for his good; it has freed him from the needs of the flesh, forcing him to depend upon his relationship with the Force. Palpatine gleefully declares Vader’s power to be “unparalleled” as a result of his bond with the Force. The intimacy of this bond was best demonstrated in Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn: Alliances, which saw Darth Vader master a new, instinctive Force power called Skywalking. This allows Force-sensitives to travel through the countless instabilities of the Unknown Regions, as they sense gravitational disruptions and perform constant microadjustments to avoid them. Darth Vader is the only adult known to have mastered the technique, and he did so at remarkable speed, suggesting the sheer strength of his relationship with the Force.

Vader developed mastery of all the techniques he had learned as a Jedi, and he swiftly learned that most crucial lesson; size matters not. Tie-ins have shown him using telekinesis for intricate tasks such as repairing his own cybernetic circuits, or tossing AT-DP walkers around without any sign of strain. He was able to probe the minds of others using the same technique demonstrated by Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but even powerful Force-sensitives were unable to resist Vader’s intrusion, clearly demonstrating his powers outstripped those of his grandson. No doubt this was the technique Darth Vader employed on his own daughter Leia, a nightmarish experience she remembered years later in Claudia Gray’s Bloodline.

Darth Vader’s raw power is best demonstrated in the 2015 comic book event “Vader Down,” easily one of the best stories of the Disney era. Hunting for his son Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader emerges over the Rebel base of Vrogas Vas – with no backup. He cuts a swathe through Rebel X-Wing squadrons until he is brought down by Luke himself, but proves just as dangerous when grounded. The Rebel Alliance send all the forces they can muster to kill this high-profile target, and Darth Vader faced an army that would have beaten even Anakin Skywalker. He emerged triumphant, demonstrating his mastery of the Force and phenomenal combat skills. The Rebels learned to their cost that Darth Vader’s reputation was not exaggerated, and that he really is one of the greatest Dark Lords of the Sith of all time. He couldn’t be stopped, he couldn’t be beaten; however, as Luke Skywalker proved, even Darth Vader was not beyond redemption.

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