Warning! Spoilers for Darth Vader #20

Recent Star Wars comics have highlighted just how much Darth Vader and DC Comics’ the Joker are polar opposites of each other. The Sith Lord, as it has been recently revealed, sees himself as an agent of order across the galaxy. On the other hand, the Clown Prince of Crime is the embodiment of chaos. It might not have ever crossed anyone’s mind before, but a fight between these two iconic characters would be an epic, no holds barred, out-there battle.

Darth Vader #18 by Greg Pak and Leonard Kirk has Vader reflect on his thoughts and feelings in regard to his confrontations with Luke and Emperor Palpatine. He believes that the latter has brought nothing but chaotic disorder to the galaxy and wishes to overthrow him. This shift in motivation represents an identity crisis that leads Vader to killing Imperial higher-ups in Darth Vader #20, because he believes that they too follow in Palpatine’s chaotic footsteps. In Vader’s eyes, the Empire is nothing if not in order.


After eliminating a list of supposed Crimson Dawn agents within the Empire, Vader reveals that he knows only one of the names on the list was actually an enemy. “I swore to bring order,” he says. “And every other name on that list was an agent of chaos.” As pop culture’s most famous agent of chaos, the Joker would surely thrive if he were somehow brought into the chaos-ridden Star Wars galaxy. In Gotham, the villain devotes his entire existence to tormenting Batman and evoking city-wide discord. With an entire galaxy in which to play and cause mischief, it wouldn’t be long before he ends up on Darth Vader’s order-obsessed radar. Even if Vader kills the Joker, which he could easily do, the Joker could still wreak havoc and chaos long after he dies.

So, what would a confrontation between these two characters look like? The possibilities are endless, but imagine the Joker gets his hands on an Imperial Star Destroyer. He would no doubt use it to fire upon Imperials, Rebels, the occasional planet, etc. Darth Vader would catch word of this and would seek out the Joker. He would find his ship pretty easily because it would probably be graffitied with a gigantic “HA HA HA” on the deck. Once inside, Vader could use the Force to try and pinpoint Joker’s location, but Joker would probably set up traps, like a bunch of droids all playing sound recordings of Vader’s past life as Anakin Skywalker, reminding him of the worst things to ever happen to him. In response, Vader would destroy all the droids, and probably go through a few more trick room before finally coming to the control bridge. If he breaks in he would likely find that the Joker was never on board to begin with, and the whole Star Destroyer is rigged to explode! Of course, Joker makes it easy for Vader to escape, because what would he be without a nemesis to mess with?

This is just a fun, possible scenario that could happen if these two pop culture icons ever met. The idea of a crossover isn’t too far-fetched either. With Marvel publishing the Darth Vader comics, and Joker being a DC character, they could possibly be seen going against each other if Marvel and DC ever have another crossover event. Darth Vader‘s obsession with order makes him the perfect adversary for the Joker‘s chaos, and assuredly, the two going against each other is something that every fan would love to see.

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