A new animated Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker short features Kylo Ren leading the Knights of Ren in an attack on Resistance fighters. As the ninth and final film in the Skywalker Saga, The Rise of Skywalker concludes the generation-spanning story. Exactly how it ends the saga, however, has been divisive among fans.

The contention surrounding The Rise of Skywalker came about for many reasons, but the dissatisfaction felt among fans largely stems from Disney’s obvious lack of a plan when it came to their sequel trilogy. The sudden return of Palpatine, for instance, in the third and final movie is a reveal with little to no setup. Meanwhile other elements, like the Knights of Ren, are introduced in the first movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, only to then never be properly explained or utilized in the following films. The result was a frustrating for fans who are now dependent on tie-in materials like books, comics, and to a lesser degree this new animated short, to fill in some the gaps in Disney’s sequel trilogy.


In this latest Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures short, the focus is on Kylo Ren. It shows him donning the reforged helmet he wears in The Rise of Skywalker and commanding the Knights of Ren. Animated in an exaggerated style, this short features Kylo mercilessly mowing through Resistance fighters, effectively highlighting how until he met Rey, no one could equal his power. Amusingly, even in this animated short, the Knights of Ren take a backseat to their illustrious leader, but it’s good to seem actually involved all the same. Check out the newest Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures short starring Kylo and the Knights of Ren, below.

As with previous Galaxy of Adventures short, the animation is stunning and as good a pitch as ever for why Titmouse Animation (the studio responsible for the shorts) deserves to tackle their own full-length Star Wars cartoon. And while typically, the series of shorts focuses on re-imagining iconic moments from the saga or recapping a character’s journey – as they did beautifully with their tribute to Leia – this latest installment offers something new: a look a Kylo actually in charge of the Knights of Ren.

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By now, the Knights of Ren are basically a joke given how much build-up there was for so little payoff from their characters in the movies. And granted, a good bit of that build-up came from fans hyping them, but after three movies, the individual Knights of Ren are as indistinguishable and irrelevant as stormtroopers. Still, it’s good to see them in action alongside their leader in this Galaxy of Adventures short set roughly in the time of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Source: Star Wars Kids

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