Where’s why Mace Windu’s “Not yet” to Palpatine in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is the Jedi Master’s defining scene. While Samuel L. Jackson is undeniably a great dramatic actor, evidenced by his performances in Pulp Fiction, Unbreakable and Django Unchained, he’s also something of a geek in real life too. This is a major reason he wanted to be part of George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels, and he famously made a plea during a British TV interview to the director for a role in 1999’s Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

This was a successful tactic, though Jackson’s Mace Windu only appeared in a few scenes in Episode I. He made up for this in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones where he gets involved in the ending battle and personally beheads bounty hunter Jango Fett. Jackson’s request for a purple lightsaber – a rarity in the Star Wars universe – was also granted. Unfortunately, his fate in Episode III didn’t come as much of a surprise, considering it was known the Jedi were all but wiped out prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.


Star Wars: Episode III details Anakin Skywalker’s slide into the dark side and how he became Darth Vader. Once Anakin learns Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is really Darth Sidious, he informs Mace Windu, who confronts the Sith Lord and attempts to arrest him. Palpatine defiantly states he is the Senate and Windu retorts with a simple “Not yet.”

In addition to Samuel L. Jackson’s cool delivery, it also underlined how powerful a Jedi Mace Windu really was. He actually managed to defeat Palpatine in a lightsaber duel and he would have slain the Sith Lord if Anakin hadn’t intervened. Palpatine instead manipulates Skywalker into saving his life, which he does by severing Windu’s arm, giving the Sith Lord time to throw the Jedi Master out of a window to his death.

This is a major turning point for both Anakin and the film, with Palpatine soon dubbing Anakin Darth Vader. It also spells doom for the Jedi – even though Mace Windu was mere moments from defeating Palpatine. While Sam Jackson still believes Windu could have survived his fall in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith, there doesn’t appear to be any signs of the character returning. That said, with Palpatine making a surprise comeback in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, maybe he and Windu are due for a rematch. Mace Windu’s “Not yet” has also become a meme in the years since the film’s release, sealing its place in pop culture.

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