Star Wars star Mark Hamill had a hilarious response to a Tauntaun sleeping bag. Hamill is best known for his portrayal of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. He would reprise the role of Luke in the most recent Star Wars film trilogy and made a surprise cameo as Luke in The Mandalorian. In real-life, Hamill has developed a fun social media presence, where he frequently reacts in entertaining ways to Star Wars content, like images, fan videos, questions, theories, merchandise and more.

There are many reasons why Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is considered the best Star Wars film of all time. The scene where Luke is forced to sleep in the innards of a dead Tauntaun is typically not considered one of them. However, the scene did properly demonstrate how much Han Solo (Harrison Ford) had grown to care about Luke’s safety, effectively adding to his character development. After all, it was Han who ventured out in the freezing cold temperatures of the planet Hoth to find the missing Luke, and it was Han who sliced open Luke’s dead Tauntaun to keep Luke from freezing to death.


Hamill retweeted an image of a Tauntaun sleeping bag on his Twitter page and added his thoughts on the piece of Star Wars merchandise. Hamill’s hilarious rant definitely doesn’t appear to be an endorsement of the sleeping bag. Check out what Hamill had to say about the funny Star Wars merch below.

It’s safe to say that Hamill probably won’t be buying a Tauntaun sleeping bag anytime soon. Of course his gentle ribbing of this piece of Star Wars merchandise is all in good fun. What’s even funnier about Hamill’s reaction is that the Tauntaun sleeping bag pictured in his retweet was initially only an April Fool’s Day joke in 2009 from the company ThinkGeek. Demand for the fake product was so high from Star Wars fans that ThinkGeek actually ended up selling a Tauntaun sleeping bag with a different design that is still available for purchase to this day.

Sleeping bags aside, Hamill’s reactions to Star Wars content on social media continue to be priceless comedic gems. In addition to his flummoxed reaction to the Tauntaun sleeping bag, Hamill also jokingly told fans recently not to buy merchandise that featured Luke’s severed hand. It’s rather funny that Hamill’s funny disapproval of Star Wars merchandise lately have all been related to incidents Luke faced in The Empire Strikes Back. Mark Hamill’s social media presence is simply the gift that keeps on giving for Star Wars fans. And after all, if it hadn’t been for that Tauntaun in The Empire Strikes Back Luke wouldn’t have survived that frigid night on Hoth. Unfortunately, the Tauntaun sleeping bag likely won’t have the same impact.

Source: Mark Hamill/Twitter

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