In the Star Wars prequels, Plo Koon is a background Jedi character with no dialogue, but outside of the films, he and his species are explored extensively, including a particular weakness that’s never addressed in the films. Plo Koon is a Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars. In Legends, Plo Koon was known for his combat skills and use of the Force to affect the environment around him. In canon, Plo Koon was featured and characterized prominently in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where he was notably protective and mentorlike towards Ahsoka Tano and the clone troopers under his command.


Plo Koon is a Kel Dor, a humanoid species from the Expansion Region world of Dorin who are known for their black and white views on ethical matters. Although the Force exists in all life, Kel Dors have a particularly high number of Force-sensitives. The species has a unique Force religion, the Baran Do, whose sages used the Force to find inner peace and protect the Kel Dor population from disasters. Unlike the Jedi, the Baran Do Sages didn’t use lightsabers or actively participate in conflicts. Although lineages never mattered to the Jedi in either continuity, Plo Koon comes from a long line of both Bara Do Sages and Jedi, including an Uncle and a niece (Sha Koon) who were members of the Jedi Order.

Although he’s one of the Jedi Order’s best swordsmen and pilots, Plo Koon, like all Kel Dors, is vulnerable to the very atmosphere that nourishes most humanoids, including humans. Dorin’s atmosphere is atypical within the Star Wars galaxy, having little oxygen and being composed mostly of helium and a type of gas found only on Dorin. Oxygen and other gasses common to most Star Wars planets were lethal to Kel Dors, so they wore distinctive masks when off-world. Kel Dor eyes were also quite vulnerable, so they wore protective goggles to prevent blindness. Kel Dor antiox masks and goggles gave the species a striking appearance among humanoids.

Despite being vulnerable to the atmosphere of most planets, Kel Dors generally had superior senses and reflexes when compared to most species. This applied to Plo Koon as well as Bo Keevil, a non-Force sensitive starfighter pilot. Kel Dor skin was also extremely tough, allowing them to survive the vacuum of space for a limited time. Plo Koon’s equipment was also able to withstand space exposure and his antiox mask was outfitted with a comlink, allowing him to communicate with two of his clone troopers when the three were in space during the Battle of Abregado.

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Plo Koon’s eyes and respiratory system may have been vulnerable when away from his homeworld, but he was never hindered by these weaknesses. In Legends, Plo Koon’s skills with a lightsaber notably impressed both Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul. In both continuities, he was among the order’s most formidable starfighter pilots, along with Anakin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin, and Adi Gallia. Like any other Star Wars prequel-era Jedi, Plo Koon fought on the front lines of the Clone Wars, from Geonosis to Cato Neimoidia. Plo Koon was killed when Order 66 was executed, brainwashing his clone pilots to shoot his starfighter down, though his vulnerabilities did not affect this. As a Kel Dor, Plo Koon may have had intrinsic weaknesses, but his incredible skills as a Jedi rendered them irrelevant.

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