In the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Poe Dameron became a fan-favorite thanks to his swaggering heroics and playful performance by Oscar Isaac. As part of the main trio of heroes in these new movies, Poe is front and center for much of the action. This makes the character’s positive and negative qualities easy to spot.

There is no doubt that Poe is a pretty easy guy to cheer for and he is an asset to the Resistance in most cases. But even the heroes have their weaknesses and there are moments when Poe’s bad side shows itself. In the end, it seems like Poe’s good traits outweigh the bad.

10 Best: A Great Pilot

Poe is introduced in the very first scene of The Force Awakens and is even mentioned in the opening crawl as the Resistance’s best pilot. That is a reputation that follows him as Kylo Ren even seems impressed by his skill.

Once Poe is finally seen in action, it becomes clear that reputation has been well-earned. From escaping the Imperial starship to taking on the First Order fighters to attacking a Dreadnaught ship on his own, Poe is undoubtedly one of the most talented pilots in the entire Star Wars universe.

9 Worst: Impulsive

Perhaps due to his time in the cockpit, Poe has a tendency to act on instinct. That can be good at times, but other situations require someone to think before taking action. Because he usually does the first thing that pops into his head, Poe has gotten himself into a lot of trouble.

When he first sees Kylo Ren, he tries to take him out with a blaster instead of running and staying hidden as he should have.


8 Best: Fearless

Though it was his own fault he was captured by Kylo Ren, their first face-to-face moment proved that Poe is not someone who will back down out of fear. He openly mocks Ren and doesn’t flinch in the slightest.

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This fearlessness is seen throughout the trilogy as Poe is always willing to put himself on the frontlines and in the most dangerous situations. Even in the direst of moments, Poe’s bravery shines through.

7 Worst: Reckless

Poe is perhaps a good example of why fear might not always be such a bad thing. Because he is so fearless, Poe can often make some pretty reckless decisions that end up jeopardizing the entire Resistance.

He has a headstrong desire to take out a Dreadnaught ship and leads a bombing raid against the vessel. While he succeeds in destroying the Dreadnaught, the entire bomber fleet is wiped out because of his daring mission. Unsurprisingly, that is the moment Leia chooses to demote him.

6 Best: A Leader

While The Last Jedi highlighted a lot of Poe’s flaws as a commander, it also allowed him to grow. By the end of the movie, he is a much smarter leader as well as someone who is able to lead in the face of certain defeat.

When the First Order is getting ready to attack the Resistance’s last base, Poe leads an attack against them. But unlike before, he realizes that the loss of life will not be worth it in the end. Instead, he rallies others to find a way to escape.

5 Worst: Arrogant

It would be hard to be the best pilot in the Resistance without it going to one’s head. Indeed, it seems like Poe’s skills have given him somewhat of an inflated ego. Despite being part of a team, at times, it seems that Poe sees himself as the only one who can save the day.

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In The Last Jedi, Poe thinks he has the authority to lead attacks even when Leia calls them off. Likewise, when Admiral Holdo is put in charge, Poe feels the need to stage a mutiny since he thinks he’s the only one who knows the right course of action.

4 Best: Trusting

It’s clear that Poe had some serious trust issues when it came to Holdo, although to be fair, it was pretty silly of her to keep her secret plan from him. But in other instances, Poe has shown that he is a very trusting person who can look past surface-level perceptions and see an individual’s true potential.

This is best seen with his relationship with Finn. Though Finn is a stormtrooper, Poe quickly forms a bond with him and accepts him at his word that he is a changed person. It is Poe’s confidence in him that helps Finn on his heroic path.

3 Worst: Short-Sighted

Poe can be a great strategist at times, but his plans can also be dangerously short-sighted. He tends to look at things in terms of winning the battle instead of considering how to win the war.

Attacking the Dreadnaught may have been a small victory at the time, but when the rest of the Imperial fleet shows up, it becomes clear how insignificant that ploy was. Poe will give everything he has to the fight at hand, but he is not one who often thinks of the consequences.

2 Best: Dedicated

It is revealed in The Rise of Skywalker that Poe once had a more nefarious life as a spice smuggler before joining the Resistance. While it is unclear why he made the switch, he is fully dedicated to his new path.

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Many people see Poe and a surrogate for Han Solo, and there are many similarities. But unlike Han, Poe has always been passionate and completely on board with being a part of the Resistance. He is often the one rallying the others to keep fighting.

1 Worst: Single-Minded

Though he has a fighting spirit and total dedication to the Resistance cause, Poe sometimes seems to forget what they are fighting for. He sees the First Order as the enemy that needs to be defeated. While that is true, he sometimes forgets that the survival of the Resistance must come first.

Poe’s mind is always on bringing the fight to their enemies. That is why he is so against Holdo as a leader. He thinks fleeing is defeat whereas it could mean that the Resistance gets to fight another day.

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