Warning: contains spoilers for Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #11! 

To be a famous bounty hunter in any era of Star Wars means being one of the deadliest beings in the galaxy, but while fans may think of Boba Fett as a villain without peer, Bossk just proved he’s by far the more savage and efficient killer. Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #11 has revealed just how dangerous Bossk can be to his foes. The issue begins with him being hunted – before he flips everything to retake his rightful place as hunter.

Bossk is a bounty hunter who first appeared in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. He was shown working with a young Boba Fett in animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and was key to the young villain’s growing set of skills. Now, Bossk is being recognized for his own deadly achievements in the ongoing series Star Wars: BountyHunters, and will play a role in the upcoming Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event, in which a fully grown Fett will go up against his bounty-hunting competitors – likely including Bossk – to recover Han Solo’s carbonite-encased body.


Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #11 – created by Ethan Sacks, Paolo Villanelli, Arif Prianto, and VC’s Travis Lanham – reveals exactly how deadly Bossk can be. The bounty hunter wakes on Malastare, where he is prey in the Great Hunt. Usually, Bossk is the one doing the hunting, but now he is being hunted – at least temporarily. The Trandoshan is too tough to keep down and much too dangerous a foe to hunt without risk, as he immediately proves.

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The Great Hunt of Malastare is an event put on for hunting groups to go after prey for fun, but Bossk is the only one having fun. Though he is supposed to be part of a prison group to be hunted, the bounty hunter quickly takes on his predators head-on, turning them into prey. Bossk is seen taking on a group of hunters referred to as the Muun party, who have connections to the InterGalactic Banking Clan. They are allies to the Empire, used for their financial prowess in exchange for protection. However, this protection doesn’t apply to the Hunt, and using a combination of weaponry, hand to hand combat, and strategic thinking, Bossk makes quick work of his foes, proving that numbers are not exactly an advantage when facing this particular bounty hunter – and Imperial protections mean nothing to him.

Bossk is skilled as a bounty hunter for several reasons. Like Mandalorians, combat is part of Trandoshan culture, though these sentient lizards have a predominant focus on hunting. Where Trandoshans learn their vicious skills from birth, instilling in them a desire for greater and greater challenge, Boba would not have had the traditional Mandalorian upbringing, instead learning on the fly from the hunters around him. Trandoshans can regrow limbs and are known to host hunts similar to the one on Malastare, taking particular joy in hunting Wookiees purely due to the danger they pose. Boba Fett may be a trained killer, but Bossk’s ability to take out a group of experienced, blaster-wielding hunters with just a knife and his environment shows he can triumph in any situation.

Bossk knows how standard hunters think, but his physiology allows him to be more agile than other species and use their expectations against them. Additionally, Bossk has spent a long time working with some of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy, like Beilert Valance and Aurra Sing. Bossk spent time training and watching over Boba when he was young, even going so far as to be the young bounty hunter’s bodyguard, showing that despite his special training, the young Boba still needed Bossk’s protection. Boba Fett would eventually grow into his own and make a name for himself in the Star Wars galaxy, but Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #11 shows that while Boba Fett may get all the fame, Bossk is the real bounty hunter supreme.

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