Star Wars: Rebels had a variety of new and familiar characters. Obviously, there’s the Ghost crew, but there’s also there’s a wealth of characters who are seen less frequently, even in just one episode, who fill this show with excitement.

Plenty of episodes in Rebels feature characters who leave a lasting impression. There are also brief arcs that show what some beloved Star Wars characters are up to during this tumultuous era. Despite only appearing in one episode, these characters all had a big impact on Rebels.

10 Quarrie (Season 2, Episode 7: “Wings of the Master”)

In this episode, the Ghost crew is after a ship made by old and quirky Quarrie, a Mon Calamari living on a ship graveyard planet. Quarrie is memorable and charming. He’s witty and intuitive, humorous (for example, one of his reasons Hera can’t take the ship is that he doesn’t like the paint job), and saves the day by upgrading the Ghost.

Despite not being seen again, Quarrie and his ship played a role in supporting the Rebellion. Quarrie also gives Hera the chance to share what flying means to her, as he wants to know she is worthy of his ship. He gives viewers the gift of knowing Hera much better.

9 Yoda (Season 2, Episode 18: “Shroud of Darkness”)

When Ezra meditates within the temple and finds himself facing Master Yoda, it’s an exciting moment. As Inquisitors are closing in, Kanan is facing temple guards, and Ahsoka is facing a vision of what Anakin’s become, Yoda offers peace and wisdom. As they are escaping the temple, Ahsoka sees Yoda, and he smiles and waves. This small moment has powerful meaning for them, showing Yoda’s acceptance of her decision to leave the Order and the path she has followed since.

While Yoda is only seen in this one episode, it is enough. Rebels is in a new and complicated era, and the Jedi Order is no longer. Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka must forge new paths, together, but without the leadership of Yoda. In coming to them briefly, Yoda shows that he is still here and supports them, but also that he knows that is their path and their story now.


8 Mira and Ephraim Bridger (Season 4, Episode 15: “Family Reunion- and Farewell”)

The gut-wrenching series finale packs a lot of punches, including Palpatine’s tempting of Ezra with a vision of his parents. Ezra’s parents are in their kitchen, calling for Ezra to join them before they see him on the other side of the gateway. It is an emotional moment, after four seasons of Ezra longing for and missing his parents, and it shows the full scope of his growth. Despite being a short scene, seeing Ezra let go of his parents prepares the audience for him to let go of everyone else he cares about in service of the greater good.

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7 Leia Organa (Season 2, Episode 12: “A Princess on Lothal”)

Princess Leia appears in Rebels acting as an aid to her father and is working to support the rebels in secret. Young Leia is spunky and commanding, demonstrating excellent leadership. She is only in this episode because imperials are suspicious of the Organas’ loyalty, and she must continue to act as a member of the Imperial Senate, so she keeps her distance from the action.

This episode shows how good Leia is at thinking quickly. It’s full of subterfuge and hope, and it shows why Leia is truly a princess of the people. Her appearance also shows that the rebels’ cause is growing in reach and support; Princess Leia is involved now, it’s not just some friends on a ship doing what they can to thwart the Empire. They are becoming a true Rebellion.

6 Bo Katan Kryze (Season 4, Episode 1: “Heroes of Mandalore”)

The Season 4 premiere reintroduces Bo Katan Kryze. However, Bo Katan is not the same fiery redhead she was as a member of Death Watch- now she is quieter, changed by the fall of Mandalore. This arc shows so much of Bo Katan’s pain and remorse, as well as growth and commitment to her people.

The Season 4 premiere is focused on Mandalore and the clans and power struggles within it, so once that is resolved, there is no need for the show to return to Mandalore or Bo Katan. This arc is enough to show a brief but important moment in her story and to give Sabine a mentor from her home. The Ghost crew moves on from here, but now viewers know what has happened to Bo Katan.

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5 Wulff Yularen (Season 3, Episode 17: “Through Imperial Eyes”)

Admiral Yularen is now Colonel Yularen. His appearance shows viewers a bit about the transition from Republic to Empire, as Yularen is one of the only Republic leaders shown to serve the Empire. Though he was an important character in The Clone Wars, his role has changed and he has made way for young blood like Thrawn to climb the ranks.

Yularen is surprised when Thrawn reveals that Kallus is a spy. This shows that while Yularen may be imperial, he still sees the best in people and has a soft spot for his pupils. He is portrayed in stark contrast to distrusting and calculating Thrawn; a great demonstration of the difference between the Republic and the Empire, as Yularen was a ranking official of the Republic, whereas Thrawn is exclusively an agent of the Empire.

4 Klik Klak (Season 3, Episode 13: “Ghosts of Geonosis”)

This episode shows a different perspective on the Star Wars movies’ Geonosian conflict through Klik Klak, a Geonosian and the sole survivor of his species. Although Klik Klak may seem like an enemy at first, when Ezra talks with him he has a gentle voice, and he tries to help.

Klik Klak shows the implications of war and how far the Empire is willing to go to achieve its goals. He is also a reminder that individuals are not representative of a whole entity. While the Geonosians were once enemies of the Jedi, Klik Klak is not an enemy. He is just an individual, doing his best to protect his home and his people, scared but not giving up.

3 C3PO (Season 1, Episode 3: “Droids in Distress”)

A the beginning of Rebels,  the Ghost crew comes across some familiar “faces” in C3PO and R2D2. His appearance here may be short, but it is a great bit of nostalgia for the C3PO’s antics and whining. He is only in the one episode because Rebels is all about the new characters forming a rebellion and growing their ranks, and as Organa’s droid, 3PO stays largely out of their way. However, he is still doing his best to help, and this episode shows that the rebellion has more friends than they know.

2 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 3, Episode 20: “Twin Suns”)

In his appearance in Rebels, Obi-Wan ends a decades-long battle. It is in this episode that Obi-Wan and Maul have their final face-off and Maul is killed by Obi-Wan for the last time. As Maul became an important character in Star Wars: Rebels, no one other than Obi-Wan could come in to end things.

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“Twin Suns” shows Obi-Wan older and more wizened than he was in the prequels, but not yet the old Ben Kenobi from A New Hope. This Obi-Wan is thoughtful, affected by his experiences but focused on his purpose, and he provides Ezra with guidance about his own purpose. In all iterations of Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi has been a friend and a voice of reason, and that includes this appearance in Rebels.

1 Anakin Skywalker (Season 2, Episode 22: “Twilight of the Apprentice”)

This episode is the only time Anakin is seen after the birth of Vader. In the Sith temple on Malachor, Ahsoka and Vader go toe-to-toe, and viewers can see how evenly matched they are, how much of Anakin’s fighting style Ahsoka has. It is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking, and Anakin’s appearance answers a question that has lingered since the Clone Wars: Does Ahsoka know what happened to Anakin?

While the temple collapses, Ahsoka cracks Vader’s helmet, revealing his face. Until this point, Ahsoka was unsure whether Anakin could have become Vader, but in seeing his eye staring at her, hearing his voice call out to her, the truth is almost too painful. This episode is one of the biggest moments in the Star Wars canon and it shows that Ahsoka is the only person who can break through to Anakin until Luke.

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