With The Clone Wars and the currently ongoing The Mandalorian shows in the zeitgeist of the Star Wars fandom, Star Wars Rebels so often gets forgotten about and is incredibly underappreciated. After a first season that was rocky with an excellent finale, the show went on an upward trajectory quality-wise.

Season two had some of the best episodes of the entire show, and best moments in all of Star Wars, and with Ahsoka gone and Thrawn back in canon, season three continued that trend with absolutely fantastic episodes, with a few that were nothing more than subpar filler.

10 Worst – “Imperial Supercommandos” (7.5)

“Imperial Supercommandos” introduces Gar Saxon to on-screen audiences as the leader of the Imperial Mandalorians who are under the control of the Empire on Mandalore.

The episode has the crew and prisoner Fenn Rau investigate on the ground of Concord Dawn when they lose contact, and that is when they meet Gar Saxon and company.

9 Best – “Through Imperial Eyes” (8.8)

“Through Imperial Eyes” wraps up a longstanding story of the rebel spy within the Empire, and is a fantastic, tension-filled episode that is a highlight in a brilliance filled season.

The whole episode revolves around extracting Kallus from Imperial grasps before Thrawn, and other officers discover his secret. However, in the end, not only does Kallus elect to stay to be more useful, but Thrawn figures out Kallus is the spy, and himself decides not to kill him to keep him valuable to the Empire.


8 Worst – “Warhead” (7.2)

“Warhead” does something that animated shows in the Star Wars franchise fail to do in high quality, meaningful form, a droid centric episode. Although, Zeb does have a big part to play.

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The episode focuses primarily on Chopper, AP-5, and Zeb left behind at the rebel base, soon discovering that a droid found by Chopper and Zeb is actually an Imperial droid who soon attempts to kill them all.

7 Best – “Zero Hour: Part 2” (8.9)

“Zero Hour: Part 2” is the season finale of Rebels’ fantastic third season, and continues on with the rebels in their massive mission against Thrawn and his forces.

The whole episode is pretty much a clash between the two sets of forces, with Thrawn prepared to unleash his ruthless nature on the rebels, and the rebels attempting to end his plan and blockade.

6 Worst – “Double Agent Droid” (7.0)

“Double Agent Droid” spends a reasonable amount of time with one of Star Wars’ underappreciated heroes, Wedge Antilles, as he takes Ap-5 and Chopper on an undercover mission that goes awry without notice.

It sees the Imperials take control of Chopper, something AP-5 is adamant about, but the rebels are ignorant of until Hera realizes and takes her droid back with force. Unfortunately, the episode does nothing of note to add to the overall story, a common criticism.

5 Best – “Zero Hour: Part 1” (9.0)

Rated slightly higher than its second part, “Zero Hour: Part 1” kicks off the entire finale and faceoff between the forces of the rebels and Thrawn.

The episode revolves around the rebels making preparations for their attack on the Imperials, an attack that Thrawn has intercepted all while he confronts Kallus about being Fulcrum. It also sees Kanan ask the Bendu for help when Thrawn uncovers their base.

4 Worst – “The Wynkahthu Job” (6.7)

“The Wynkahthu Job” sees the return of beloved scoundrel Hondo Onaka in an episode that is pretty subpar, not adding anything to the overall story, just intended to be some filler fun, but lacks a lot of the fun.

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It follows the rebels as they join forces with a group of pirates, including Hondo, to steal a freighter of weapons in a mission which is far more dangerous than what the rebels get led to believe.

3 Best – “Trials Of The Darksaber” (9.0)

Kanan Jarrus is one of the best characters introduced in the Disney era of Star Wars, and his journey as a teacher, as a Jedi and in the Force, is phenomenal. This episode in which he trains Sabine is one of the most excellent episodes showcasing his journey.

After agreeing to wield the Darksaber in an attempt to recruit people to their cause, fans see Kanan and Ezra train her with the blade getting a look into her psyche and also into that of Kanan and Ezra. It is a brilliant episode.

2 Worst – “Iron Squadron” (6.4)

There are a lot of things fans point to as being annoying or subpar aspects of Rebels, the Purrgils are infamous for example, but one of the most prominent annoyances to fans that comes up is Iron Squadron, the group of rebels in this episode.

It sees Ezra and Sabine aid a young group who are attempting to fend off the Empire on their own with a lot of guts, stupidity, and a small ship, trying to take on a whole Star Destroyer.

1 Best – “Twin Suns” (9.4)

There are so many brilliant, beautiful, and heartbreaking episodes of Rebels that are immense examples of storytelling at its finest, something which is at the forefront of “Twin Suns.”

It follows Maul on his hunt for Kenobi on Tatooine, Ezra coming to warn Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan giving advice to Ezra about destiny – helping him in turn to realize his purpose – and, finally, Maul and Obi-Wan coming face to face once more. The subsequent duel is not long, nor action-packed, it is swift, deliberate, and beautiful. As soon as Maul teased the idea that Obi-Wan was protecting someone, he lured Maul into a false sense of confidence by putting himself in the stance of Qui-Gon, the stance Maul faced and defeated long ago. Those final moments of Maul’s life are heartfelt, and pretty much a perfect end to his story.

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