Even though the series finale aired over two years ago, Star Wars Rebels continues to be a beloved and frequently discussed story from a galaxy far, far away. The show helped kick off a new era of Star Wars with a refreshing blend of original characters, characters from The Clone Wars whose stories remained unfinished, and even characters from Legends.

With some significant connections to episodes in the second season of The Mandalorian, the series and its intelligent characters are once again at the forefront of discussion. All of the main characters in Rebels are intelligent in their own ways, with many of them using their smarts to influence major events in the galaxy. While all of the characters are intelligent, some are inevitably more intelligent than others.

10 Zeb

Zeb is a fierce warrior. He can figure out how to defeat almost any enemy, even managing to kill Grand Admiral Thrawn’s formidable bodyguard and assassin Rukh.

However, Zeb doesn’t have the kind of strategic, mechanical, analytical, or artistic intelligence that most of the other main characters possess. Zeb has a big heart and he is intelligent, but not to the same extent as the other characters.

9 Kallus

Kallus doesn’t seem particularly intelligent when loyally serving the Empire. He never seems to learn from his mistakes and is continually bested by the Ghost crew. His intelligence begins to truly shine when he becomes a double agent. He becomes a double agent in the first place because he is intelligent enough to finally recognize that the Empire doesn’t value him or his loyalty.

For quite a while, he is able to maintain his cover within the Empire and communicate crucial information to the Rebel Alliance, even fooling the perceptive Grand Admiral Thrawn. Even though Thrawn eventually learns the truth and takes Kallus captive, Kallus cleverly escapes and continues to aid the Rebel Alliance.


8 Chopper

Chopper is the most underrated member of the Ghost crew. Without him, the Ghost cannot run properly, nor can it be fixed in a number of critical situations.

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He has an unparalleled mechanical aptitude, solving mechanical problems, hacking into Imperial databases, and relaying information in a way that no one else can. He’s also capable of disguising himself as an Imperial droid and improvising in desperate situations, showing that he’s a droid who transcends his programming.

7 Maul

Maul’s ability to manipulate and get what he wants makes him an intelligent character. On Malachor, he fools Ezra into believing that he is a feeble individual in need of help and earns Ezra’s trust. He takes advantage of the close bonds Ezra has with the other members of the Ghost crew and exploits those bonds to further manipulate and acquire the knowledge he seeks in regards to Obi-Wan Kenobi and the secret to destroying the Sith.

All of this makes Mul rather intelligent, but his fatal mistakes during his final duel with Obi-Wan prevent him from being the most intelligent character. He tries to use the same strategy he used to kill Qui-Gon Jinn, unable to foresee that Obi-Wan will be prepared for this strategy and fatally wound Maul in a matter of seconds.

6 Captain Rex

After having his inhibitor chip removed and refusing to participate in Order 66, Rex managed to evade the Empire for many years. When the Ghost crew unexpectedly thrusts him back into the center of a galactic conflict, Rex becomes a vital ally.

He uses his experience from the Clone Wars to navigate the Ghost crew and the Rebel Alliance through a number of situations. He’s a skilled warrior, has an excellent mechanical aptitude, and a keen mind for military strategy.

5 Ezra Bridger

Ezra’s hotheaded and impatient nature sometimes clouds his intelligence and leads him to make poor choices or be easily manipulated by someone like Maul. However, Ezra grows wiser over the course of the series, with his intelligence manifesting in many impressive ways, particularly in the series finale.

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Ezra ultimately formulates a plan that saves his friends and frees Lothal from the Empire in one fell swoop. He outsmarts Grand Admiral Thrawn and even Emperor Palpatine, ensuring that Palpatine will never be able to access the World Between Worlds and that Thrawn will no longer be able to suppress the people of Lothal.

4 Kanan Jarrus

After surviving Order 66, Caleb Dume adapted to his environment and remade himself into Kanan Jarrus. He managed to survive, make invaluable allies, and conceal his Jedi identity from the Empire for many years.

His true intelligence manifests as a teacher, though. He becomes a wiser individual and learns how to effectively train and pass on his wisdom to his students Ezra and Sabine. Even in his final moments and after his death, Kanan continues to impart wisdom to Ezra and the others.

3 Hera Syndulla

Hera’s multi-faceted intelligence makes her a force to reckoned with. She is a gifted pilot and has an intimate understanding of the Ghost and other ships, knowing how to fly them well and how to fix and upgrade them if necessary. She’s more than a gifted pilot and engineer, though, as she’s also proven to be a capable leader in the Rebel Alliance.

By using these talents and coming up with unorthodox, but effective solutions, Hera is able to outmaneuver the Empire on a number of occasions. She also has a strong instinctual intelligence and is an excellent judge of character, which fans see from the beginning with the faith she places in Ezra and the potential she sees in him.

2 Sabine Wren

Sabine has the most diverse intelligence in Star Wars Rebels. She has artistic intelligence which she imbues not only in her art but also in her armor, weaponry, engineering, and strategy. She has the mind of a strategist and has been able to formulate and execute a number of successful plans.

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Not only is she a masterful artist, engineer, and strategist, but she’s also a cunning warrior who learns to wield the Darksaber, defeat Gar Saxon, and manages to reunite the Mandalorian people. As the individual with the most diverse intelligence, Sabine is the smartest member of the Ghost crew.

1 Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn’s unparalleled intelligence allows him to have a deeply logical and analytical mind. Through the artifacts and knowledge that he collects and pieces together, Thrawn is able to make insightful connections that provide an intimate understanding of his opponents.

He is a brilliant strategist who foresees his opponents’ moves, even allowing them to win small victories so he can better understand and ultimately defeat them. Unless the Bendu or the Purrgil are unexpectedly summoned by his opponents to intervene, Thrawn always outsmarts his opponents in Star Wars Rebels.

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