In the Star Wars animated series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Kanan Jarrus’s survival of Order 66 is retconned, contradicting the Star Wars: Kanan comic series. Kanan Jarrus, formerly known as Caleb Dume, was the padawan of Jedi Master Depa Billaba during the Clone Wars. When Order 66 was enacted, Billaba was killed by the now-brainwashed Clone Troopers, but Caleb escaped. Changing his name and leaving his Jedi identity behind, Kanan became one of the main protagonists in Star Wars Rebels, working as a smuggler and eventually Rebel. The specific details of Billaba’s sacrifice and Caleb’s survival were depicted in the first five issues of Star Wars: Kanan, but the opening sequence of The Bad Batch reimagines these events differently, in large and small ways. What might this mean for the comic series?


The Star Wars franchise has existed for more than four decades and, although film and television are its best-known media, it also includes a plethora of comics, novels, and videogames. The franchise’s original timeline, the Expanded Universe (renamed by Disney as Legends), has had its fair share of continuity snarls over the years, but by the time it was relegated to an alternate universe, it cleared up its few discrepancies via retcons. For instance, Boba Fett had multiple conflicting origin stories before the prequel trilogy, but these were retconned into underworld rumors that Fett didn’t attempt to correct. The most irreconcilable continuity errors in Legends came from 2008’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which officially belongs to both timelines, but some fans consider it to be only part of Canon.

In the Star Wars: Kanan comics, Caleb and Billaba are at a campfire on Kaller with Clone Officers Grey and Styles, trading jokes when Order 66 was issued. Commander Grey received the order from Darth Sidious, who activated his and every other clone’s control chips. Depa Billaba held off the clones while Caleb escaped, at the cost of her life. For the next four issues, Caleb was pursued by Grey and Styles until the former somehow resisted his implant and sacrificed himself and Styles to save the young padawan. The Bad Batch depicts these events with many superficial differences (Billaba’s blade color, the appearance of Styles’ armor, and the event happening during the day), but its portrayal is overall incompatible with the comic version.

Rather than focus on Grey and Styles, who were close friends with Caleb, The Bad Batch centers on Clone Force 99 and their bewilderment at the sudden order to kill the Jedi (and omitting Grey entirely). This is understandable, given that they’re the show’s protagonists, but this reimagining removes the tragedy, sacrifice, and irony of the comic’s depiction. Rather than being saved by Grey’s willpower-fueled sacrifice for the sake of his friend, Caleb escapes thanks to Hunter not being brainwashed in the first place. Despite being a short, twelve-issue series, Star Wars: Kanan was well-received by readers, and it may not be considered canon anymore.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that Canon has contradicted itself. The epic and heartbreaking final four episodes of The Clone Wars contradict elements of the 2016 novel Ahsoka. Like The Bad Batch’s pilot episode, the two depictions can’t co-exist. The Mandalorian also made significant changes to Mandalorian culture that were never shown or referenced in The Clone Wars or Rebels, but the show’s second season fixed this issue by explaining that these rules only apply to Din Djarin’s tribe. This is similar to the many Legends-era retcons that repaired most continuity issues. With two different versions of how Kanan survived Order 66, Star Wars Canon may need to employ a medium-based tier system so that properties like Star Wars: The Bad Batch and Star Wars: Kanan could coexist without heavy-handed retcons.

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