Star Wars has revealed the Purge Troopers are the last batch of Kaminoan clones from the Clone Wars. The period of the Emperor’s reign is known as the Dark Times, and it truly was an age without hope, a time when the Empire was at its strongest and potential Rebels kept their heads down for fear of being slaughtered. The few Jedi to survive Order 66 were left on the run.

Darth Vader was placed in charge of the mission to hunt Jedi survivors down, and he cut through them with relentless ease. In those early days, Darth Vader was accompanied by a group of Inquisitors, survivors of Order 66 who had been corrupted by the dark side. They were reinforced by an army of Purge Troopers, fierce warriors who the Empire considered expendable.


Lucasfilm has recently published The Star Wars Book, with contributions by Pablo Hidalgo, Dan Zehr, and Cole Horton. It reveals the true origin of the Purge Troopers, which were originally considered elite stormtroopers (while that’s true, it’s not the whole truth); it turns out the Purge Troopers were clones. The book states:

“Aiding the Inquisitors are the Purge Troopers, the final batch of Kaminoan clone troopers who are clad in black armor and are specially trained to deal with lightsaber-wielding foes. While the average Imperial stormtrooper offers little help in a fight against the Jedi, the Purge Troopers are valuable assistants to the Inquisitors.”

The Purge Troopers played an important role in stories set at the beginning of the Dark Times, most notably in the Jedi: Fallen Order game. Some assisted Darth Vader and the Inquisitors in the hunt for Jedi, while others were stationed on worlds who had good relations with the Jedi. Cal Kestis found himself battling Purge Troopers on Kashyyyk, where they oversaw the enslavement of the Wookiees.

This explanation fits perfectly with the established canon. It explains why the Purge Troopers were so relentless in their pursuit of the Jedi, with absolutely no concern for their own welfare; they had computer chips implanted in their brains, and were under the influence of Order 66. What’s more, this also fits with the fact the Purge Troopers haven’t been seen in the Galactic Civil War; they were the last batch of clone troopers, repurposed to continue the extermination of the Jedi, and there were only so many of them. It’s doubtful they had a long life expectancy – even the Inquisitors didn’t survive long enough to pursue Luke Skywalker, with the last of them killed in Star Wars Rebels – so they must have all died in service to the Empire.

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