A Star Wars tie-in has revealed why Palpatine sent Darth Vader to Mustafar in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith – and why he then had his apprentice make his home there. It’s long been clear the planet Mustafar was of key interest to the Sith. Darth Sidious had one of his secret facilities based there in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and he deliberately engineered Darth Vader’s final confrontation with the Separatist leaders to take place on this volcanic world, steeped in the dark side of the Force. As seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Darth Vader adopted Mustafar as his home, living at a tower that was constructed there.


The tragic history of Mustafar was revealed in Oculus VR’s Vader Immortal game. It was once a world rich in life, ruled over by a woman named Lady Corvax. A Sith attack on Mustafar led to the death of Lady Corvax’s husband; driven insane by grief, she constructed a device called the Aeon Engine, powered by a unique kyber crystal. Lady Corvax hoped to conquer death itself, but her attempt failed, and instead the Aeon Engine drained Mustafar of life. When Darth Vader learned of the Aeon Engine, he believed it would be a way to resurrect his beloved Padmé. It was destroyed before it could be used.

Lucasfilm’s Secrets of the Sith contains Palpatine’s notes on the Aeon Engine, and it hints he was well aware of its existence before he ever sent Darth Vader to Mustafar. Palpatine had always been obsessed with resurrection and immortality, and he was naturally interested in any legend of an attempt to raise the dead. “The cost of activating the Aeon Engine was steep, draining the life energies from Mustafar and those who dwelled there,” Darth Sidious reflects. “But to obtain true dominion over death, any price is worth paying… If such a device could be re-created, it would undoubtedly prove useful in the hands of the Sith.

There are many worlds steeped in the dark side of the Force, but this explains why Palpatine would be particularly keen to unravel the secrets of Mustafar. The Sith facility uncovered on Mustafar during the Clone Wars was dedicated to bending Force-sensitive children to the dark side, and tie-ins have subsequently explained this was part of what Palpatine called “Project Harvester,” an attempt to cultivate Force-sensitive seers who could guide his visions of the future. Presumably Palpatine intended these children to be attuned to the dark side on Mustafar in particular in the hopes they would be able to locate the Aeon Engine.

Palpatine sent Darth Vader to Mustafar to kill the Separatist leaders and, likewise, to bathe himself in the dark side of the Force there. As the Chosen One, Darth Vader possessed a unique affinity to the Force that meant he had the potential to discover the Aeon Engine. Thus, when the climactic events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith had come to a close, Palpatine sent Vader back to Mustafar to claim it as his home. It must have seemed like a form of torture to Darth Vader at first, because every time the Sith apprentice looked out the windows of his castle at the lava flows of Mustafar, he would have been reminded of Padmé’s death and his defeat at Obi-Wan’s hands. But this, too, would have been in accordance with the Emperor’s plans; the constant reminder of Padmé inevitably left Darth Vader fascinated by the Aeon Engine when he learned of it. No doubt the Emperor was rather disappointed when it was destroyed – but, as the Star Wars sequel trilogy revealed, he found another way to conquer death instead.

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