The Book of Boba Fett is showing a far more detailed display of villainy within the Star Wars universe thanks to the various crime lords who are trying to expand their influence on Tatooine. Of course, there are plenty of other vicious bosses across the galaxy who maintain a level of manipulation upon local star systems and planets further afield.

The crime lords have been toppled before, although the vast majority maintain their tight grip over their respective territories. Their vicious authority might be dangerous for anyone who tries to suppress their larger goals, but even other crime lords have something to fear from these menacing leaders of notorious organizations.


Jabba The Hutt

Is there a more feared name in Star Wars than Jabba’s? No matter whether the Republic or the Empire had hold of the galaxy, this leading member of the Hutt Clan ensured that his power was not impeded upon, especially within the Outer Rim.

Although there is a cascade of Hutts each turning their hand to the criminal underworld, none have been as successful as Jabba, who utilizes fear as an irreplaceable tool. His shadow looms large and it’s difficult for anyone to fill the vacuum left after Jabba’s demise upon his own barge.


Qi’ra’s entire life has been building up to her promotion within Crimson Dawn. Although she started out amongst the White Worms she proved to be resourceful and scrappy, finding her way into the upper echelon of the murky underworld.

She is a tactical genius and usually stays one step ahead of her opponents. Her time as leader of Crimson Dawn looks to be a huge opportunity for the young warrior, but the hazard can be found in her unpredictability and the enemy’s penchant for underestimating her. Hopefully, Qi’ra will return to the Star Wars universe soon.

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Dryden Vos

Crimson Dawn had a previous head honcho who perhaps radiated more terror than Qi’ra could muster. The erratic nature of Dryden Vos could not be taken lightly, for he was a malicious man who was continuously spoiled. If Dryden didn’t get what he wanted then someone was about to feel the crushing consequences.

Dryden Vos managed to expand his criminal empire further than most would have predicted. He showered himself in wealth and took pride in showcasing his power through physical possessions. Although his hubris was his downfall his name is etched in the galaxy’s history.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul’s path to becoming a crime lord is twisted and cursed with the regrets of his past. The once Sith apprentice turned down his life alongside Palpatine, eventually laying waste to Mandalore and forming his own Shadow Collective of other crime lords.

For a long period, Maul was the most influential member of the underworld, with a guiding hand in almost every organization. The character might return thanks to his larger grip on Crimson Dawn but the legacy he left behind is nothing short of immense, with chaos etched across his timeline.

Cikatro Vizago

Vizago helped to fuel the successes of the Broken Horn Syndicate throughout the rise of the Galactic Empire. The unstable geo-political climate of the period resulted in a lot of criminal groups benefitting from the conflict; especially Vizago’s gang on the planet Lothal.

The Devaronian wasn’t a cruel man — far from it. He’d even been known to ally alongside known rebels such as Ezra Bridger and Lando Calrissian. His profits were what mattered most, though, and it wasn’t always easy to trust someone whose main aim was to collect more credits.

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Lom Pyke

The Pykes are a species known for their criminal ties. The Pyke Syndicate in particular is heavily linked to their home planet Oba Diah, which in turn has ties to spice trading throughout the known and some unknown regions. They are amongst the most formidable groups in the universe, largely thanks to their sheer size.

Lom Pyke is one of the most significant leaders of the organization and atop the Pyke hierarchy. He’s cold and calculated; he permeates dread and callousness in every business call. He was so effective because of his ruthlessness and ability to turn a profit in even dire situations.

Ziton Moj

Ziton Moj might be familiar thanks to Maul’s Shadow Collective, which brought together the most lethal crime lords in existence. His hold over the Black Sun organization was second-to-none, allowing the group to grow with each passing cycle, as they turned their hands to new areas of promise.

Moj used his physical presence to intimidate anyone he was conversing with. It’s a strong tactic to use, but it was usually backed up with an inner rage that could not be quelled. Some might call Ziton reckless, but his actions garnered results. It was this attitude that resulted in his reputation.

Sorc Tormo

The Haxion Brood operates throughout the galaxy and has several unconventional business dealings. From bounty hunting squads to fight pits, the Brood is led by Sorc Tormo who has a clear eye for conjuring credits out of every available opportunity.

Like the most powerful crime lords, Tormor appears to do his business from afar, protecting his life and indeed his assets at all costs. Gambling is another huge source of wealth for the Umbaran, but his dealings have forced a more charismatic personality upon the criminal. His arrival leads to one of the toughest boss battles in Jedi: Fallen Order. 

Rinnrivin Di

Rinnrivin Di once rivaled Jabba the Hutt for power, although his name is largely hidden from the records because of the influence he had in underground circles. Despite the secretive nature of his operations, Di’s cartel would apprehend hundreds of ships carrying important goods.

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These thefts were just one of many sources of income for Di, but his actions caused a diplomatic crisis which resulted in the New Republic intervening and Rinnrivin getting killed in the consequential attack. His demise didn’t end the legacy of a criminal whose actions left a blood-soaked mark upon many star systems.

Lady Proxima

Lady Proxima is an opportunist, taking advantage of those who can’t provide for themselves and profiting off of their misfortune. As the leader of the White Worms, her influence is undeniable, although it’s never clear how far her reach can be felt.

Regardless, on the planet of Corellia, Proxima had enough resources to sustain herself throughout the rise of the Republic and the Empire. The planet is ideally located for catching credits, with the industry of the system easily lending itself to corrupt affairs. Proxima’s wisdom and manipulation allow her to stand out amongst Star Wars‘ crime lords.

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