As a successor to the Galactic Empire, the First Order quickly proved themselves to be a considerable threat in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Their first appearance on Jakku in The Force Awakens quickly established their evil ways. As the films continued and more about the First Order was revealed in Star Wars Resistance, novels, comics, and video games, fans have gained a greater understanding of how truly ruthless they can be.

Until The Rise of Skywalker is released, audiences will not know the full extent of their evil. For now, we will look at the 10 worst things the First Order has done so far.

10 Abuse

Abuse is unfortunately a common practice among First Order leadership. It’s not surprising given that Brendol Hux–one of the founding members–abused his own son Armitage. General Armitage Hux has also experienced abuse at the hands of Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren. They’ve Force-choked Hux and thrown him around like a rag doll in response to his failures.

Snoke also abused Kylo Ren, directing Force lighting in the very spot where Kylo had been shot by Chewbacca’s bowcaster, and flinging Kylo off a cliff as part of his training. The novel Resistance Reborn also showed abuse when enraged First Order Officer Winshur Bratt physically attacked Yama Dex, a fifteen-year-old girl working under his authority.

9 Killing Their Comrades And Allies

Certain members of the First Order will kill their comrades to protect themselves. The Phasma comics saw Captain Phasma killing fellow agents of the First Order so no one would ever know that she was the one who lowered the shields on Starkiller Base. Executive Records Officer Winshur Bratt took a similar course of action in Resistance Reborn as he killed a superior to protect himself. In a moment of anger and self-preservation, Bratt murdered his superior so he wouldn’t be blamed for the loss of a list critical to the First Order.

Phasma and Bratt embody the type of leaders attracted to the First Order. Their methods are not a recipe for longterm success, as both Phasma and Bratt perished shortly after disposing of their comrades. In Star Wars Resistance, once the First Order had no more use for their pirate allies, they proceeded to kill them, regardless of the assurances they’d previously made to the pirates.


8 Occupying And Invading Planets

Much like the Empire, the First Order’s forces occupied many planets, taking over their government and infrastructure. Resistance Reborn shows this happening on Corellia, where the First Order has taken control of the planet’s industrial infrastructure to rebuild the best ships for their fleet. They’ve even set up prison labor camps there.

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In season 1 of Star Wars Resistance, the First Order’s protection of the Colossus turned into them taking over the entire station as they arrested many innocent individuals and recruited others to their cause. Kylo Ren’s issue in the Age of Resistance comics also saw him leading the First Order to conquer the Benathy homeworld, where Kylo slayed a Zillo Beast who was the Benathy’s deity.

7 Purging Remnants Of The Jedi Order

While the full extent of their actions largely remains mysterious, it’s known that Kylo and the Knights of Ren purged any remnants they could find of the Jedi Order. This included killing many of Luke Skywalker’s pupils and burning down the Jedi Temple. Among the First Order’s ranks, Kylo earned the nickname “the Jedi Killer” for his role in preventing the return of the Jedi Order.

Of course, Kylo was also at the forefront of the hunt to find and kill Luke Skywalker. Along the way, Kylo killed Lor San Tekka, a member of the Church of the Force who had helped Luke discover the remaining Jedi lore. More about how Kylo and the Knights of Ren destroyed what remained of the Jedi will surely be revealed in The Rise of Skywalker and Charles Soule’s upcoming comic series The Rise of Kylo Ren.

6 Patricide

Most fans consider Kylo Ren’s murder of his father Han Solo to be the evilest thing that he has done so far. While it is the act of an individual and not the First Order as a whole, it was largely done to prove to Supreme Leader Snoke that Kylo was loyal to him, the dark side, and the First Order.

Han was never an innocent person or a perfect father, but at the end of the day, he was a scoundrel with a heart of gold and a character who learned to live and fight for much more than himself. His final act of trying to help his son was fueled by love and forgiveness, offering the kind of second chance that most never receive, and yet Kylo still killed him.

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5 Testing Weapons On Civilians

Forcing civilians to mine their planet’s resources to create weapons is already an evil step of the First Order. It gets even worse when they then fire those weapons on the civilians who mined the resources in the first place as a way to test them. This is what happened to the people on Rose and Paige Tico’s home planet Hays Minor.

Rose and Paige were able to temporarily stop the First Order’s operation before they had no choice but to flee for their own safety. They joined the Resistance to continue the fight and would later learn the heartbreaking news of what the First Order did to their people.

4 The Stormtrooper Program

The First Order’s stormtrooper program was much worse than the Empire’s as the First Order kidnapped children and brainwashed them into becoming obedient stormtroopers. From the moment the First Order had these children, they were trained and conditioned to become dutiful and skilled soldiers by General Hux, Captain Phasma, and First Order propaganda.

They have no names and are prevented from having anything that encourages personality and individual thought. This approach–plus training simulations and drills–removed all empathy and compassion from once innocent children, transforming them into soldiers who would kill innocent villagers on Jakku and arrest innocents aboard the Colossus. Finn’s story is remarkable when one considers the extensive brainwashing from which he broke away.

3 Massacring Villages

The Force Awakens immediately painted a clear picture of the First Order’s ruthlessness when their forces landed on Jakku. They shot up a village and after they apprehended Poe, the First Order proceeded to massacre all the villagers. This is not an isolated incident as they also massacred other villages, including one on the planet Tehar where the young Star Wars Resistance characters Kel and Eila came from.

They recounted how Kylo Ren and the First Order killed all their friends and family. It didn’t stop there as the First Order continued to hunt down Kel and Eila so they could complete the massacre and keep it quiet from the rest of the galaxy.

2 Death And Labor Camps

The novel Resistance Reborn revealed that the First Order created and maintained death and labor camps. They captured individuals, forced them to do work that contributed to the First Order’s war machine, and worked them until they died. Some of these individuals were allies and sympathetic to the Resistance, but some were just people who could potentially become Resistance allies and sympathizers.

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This included people like Ransolm Casterfo, a former New Republic senator framed for crimes he did not commit. He was transferred to Corellia and worked in one of these prison labor camps until the Resistance liberated him and his fellow prisoners.

1 The Hosnian Cataclysm

It doesn’t get much worse than annihilating numerous planets at once. Countless people lost their lives when Starkiller Base fired on the Hosnian system. The New Republic capital Hosnian Prime was destroyed, but so were all the other planets in the system.

With the Galactic Senate and their Defense Fleet obliterated, the New Republic government that had tried to peacefully rule the galaxy for nearly three decades was no more. In one fell swoop, the First Order enacted merciless and widespread destruction on a scale that even the Empire was unable to achieve.

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