The first season of The Bad Batch is in the books and, while not perfect, it proved to be perhaps the best first season of animated Star Wars TV thus far. This was in large part to the show’s characters and the dynamics between them, with most of Clone Force 99 shining throughout and most major characters having a handful of quotes to remember them by.

From hilarious quips and comments to emotional declarations and admissions, The Bad Batch is filled with fantastic lines throughout its 16 episodes that will stick in fan’s minds until season 2 gives them more.

10 “Good Soldiers Follow Orders.” – Crosshair

Crosshair has proved to be not only one of the best-animated antagonists but one of the most emotional, with fans genuinely invested in the good within him and his redemption arc that very well may come in season 2.

This line that debuted in The Clone Wars is always a sign of trouble for fans of the clones, signifying the inhibitor chip taking over. Wrecker also says this quote when he succumbs to the chip, but it is a chilling quote coming from Crosshair when he ruthlessly shoots one of his soldiers and at the start of the season when he first falls victim to a sickening part of Sidious’ grand plan.

9 “I’m Angry At Myself, We Don’t Leave Our Own Behind.” – Hunter

Hunter has proven to be one of the most popular characters of the show. Throughout the 16 episodes, he has a handful of amazing quotes regarding choice, Omega, Crosshair, and more.

This, though, is telling. Despite leaving him in the finale – respecting his choice more than giving up on his brother – Hunter regrets having left him at the start of the show; he never wants to abandon any of his family. He proves this multiple times in his protectiveness of Omega and in offering Crosshair a choice in the final two episodes. His leadership and care for his brothers and Omega is one of his most admirable qualities.


8 “It’s Ironic, Clones Wanted Names Instead Of Numbers, Yet Now People Are Signing Up To Be Given Numbers.” – Echo

Fans of The Clone Wars who loved the story of Domino squad, of Echo, and of the clones in general long before Clone Force 99 appeared will be disappointed with Echo’s lack of story and exploration in The Bad Batch, but he does get a couple of good moments including this.

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Alongside his hilarious interaction with Rafa Martez regarding his name, this is probably his best line in the show. With the Empire bringing in chain codes, Echo is watching the Galaxy fall victim to the thing the clones were trying so hard to escape from throughout the Clone Wars, which was being numbers, being expendable, and being unimportant. Echo, like so many others, has a name, a personality, and a uniqueness. The citizens of the Galaxy are, at this point, becoming what the clones are at birth; numbers.

7 “I’ve Taken Down So Many Clones Over The Years. Once You Figure Out One, The Rest Are Easy.” – Cad Bane

Cad Bane’s return to Star Wars proved to be worth the wait. When he faces Hunter and captures Omega, it is totally epic, with Dave Filoni’s love of westerns shining through in the scene.

Speaking to the leader of Clone Force 99, Cad Bane hits out with this distressing quote about the many clones he has killed over the years. Like so many in the Star Wars Galaxy, Bane refers to clones as though they are numbers who are expendable and easy to kill with nobody really caring. Of course, fans care, making it a harrowing reality thinking about the many who have fallen to the likes of Bane.

6 “We’re Gonna Die! We’re Gonna Die! We’re Gonna… Be Fine! We’re Gonna Be Fine.” – Wrecker

Wrecker is a constant source of comic relief throughout The Bad Batch. With many quips about blowing stuff up and some fairly clueless comments, he has many funny lines, but this may be the best.

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What makes it better than the average funny Wrecker quote is Omega’s involvement. They have an adorable dynamic, one of the best in the show, so seeing Wrecker change his tune to try and make her feel better as their ship heads for a crash landing is a touching, hilarious moment.

5 “Understanding You Does Not Mean I Agree With You.” – Tech

Like Echo but to a lesser extent, fans will be hoping that season 2 of The Bad Batch will dive deeper into Tech and his role and personality in the show. But, he still got some great moments, including this exchange with Crosshair in the finale.

After telling Wrecker that Crosshair’s unwavering choices are his nature, he tells Crosshair he understands him but does not agree with him. This is a great moment for a character like Tech, who is not shown to be the most emotionally attuned in the show despite being one of the smartest characters. Crosshair’s dynamic with the likes of Tech and Echo is scarcely looked at, and this quote could come back round to have even more meaning in season 2.

4 “In The End, We All Choose Sides.” – Rafa Martez

Rafa and Trace Martez were hardly the most beloved characters when they first appeared in The Clone Wars, but they were a great addition for one episode of The Clone Wars, and this moment of wisdom imparted on Hunter by Rafa is a highlight of their appearance.

The Bad Batch deals a lot with choice. The freedom of choice of the clones, the choices of Crosshair, the choices of what missions to take, and of what priorities to have. In season 2, that theme will undoubtedly continue, and fans may see Clone Force 99 choose to join up with Rex and whatever movement he and the Martez sisters are involved in.

3 “…The Clone War May Have Ended, But A Civil War Is Just Beginning.” – Saw Gerrera

Saw Gerrera’s growth from freedom fighter on Onderon in The Clone Wars to the war veteran and radical rebel on Jedha in Rogue One continues in The Bad Batch. In his few minutes of screen time, he is fantastic.

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Speaking to Hunter and Clone Force 99, Gerrera states, “If we give up now, everything we fought for… everyone we lost, will have been for nothing. I won’t let that happen.” Not only does this quote have obvious implications of the Galaxy’s transition from one war to another, but it resonates with Clone Force 99, helping inspire their separation from the Empire.

2 “This Is Who I Am.” – Crosshair

In the show’s final two episodes, Crosshair has a few lines that hit hard with the fans who know there is a lot of good in him, who know this whole ordeal is not all his fault.

“They don’t leave their own behind, most of the time,” “You weren’t loyal to me,” and this line hammer home the idea that Crosshair was abandoned by his brothers and that he has chosen to remain with the Empire. Whether or not he truly has had his chip removed remains to be seen, but no matter what, these quotes will continue to hit hard as the story and characters are explored further.

1 “You’re Still Their Brother, Crosshair. You’re My Brother Too.” – Omega

Omega has been a phenomenal addition to the Star Wars canon. She continues the trend of youthful new characters like Ahsoka, Ezra, and Grogu joining the more experienced characters of Anakin, Kanan, and Din, but separates herself enough to be still brilliant. She is such a sweet, good-hearted person.

Throughout the show, whether it be regarding Hera, Gonky, Hunter, Durand, or Crosshair, she wants to help people, she does not want to leave anyone behind. In the final line from the main characters of season 1, Omega assures Crosshair that they are all family. That quote hits hard and shows that despite his stubbornness, at least Omega has not and likely will not give up on Crosshair, one of her big brothers.

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