There is a slew of incredible characters throughout the seven seasons of The Clone Wars, and each has such a distinct personality, helping make them some of Star Wars’ best and most beloved. With so many different heroes and protagonists on the show, from Jedis and clone troopers to non-corrupt Senators, it isn’t easy to find shared traits among them, but they all display varying degrees of bravery.

Many types of bravery are displayed throughout The Clone Wars, and not just in battles, from mental and emotional fortitude to sheer resolve. This range of courage and heart plays a part in making heroes like Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex so incredibly likable.

10 Mace Windu

Stoic, powerful, even unlikable at times, Mace Windu is a character who appears to epitomize a lot of the issues seen in the Jedi Council at the time of the Republic. However, there is no doubting his fearlessness when called into battle.

But when it comes to comparing Windu’s level of bravery to that of others in the show, he does not match up. Yes, he is fearless, never backs down, and is a machine in battle, but the audience doesn’t see Mace face any hardships different than any other character. The only bravery fans see him show is in battle.

9 Yoda

The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order continued his streak of being one of Star Wars’ best characters in The Clone Wars, coming out of the show still a likable Jedi, despite any mistakes he may have made, and showing bravery throughout the show’s seven seasons.

Yoda shows a similar type of battle-based courage as Windu, but fans get more from him, especially with his journey in the Force in season 6. He is forced to challenge himself like never before and does so, fearing only the rule of the Sith, but not backing away from the challenges put in front of him.


8 Asajj Ventress

The Clone Wars does a fantastic job of fleshing out and adding to its central villains, and Asajj Ventress was no different. However, Ventress did not remain a villain, eventually becoming a fully-fledged hero during the Clone War era through Dark Disciple, one of the must-read Star Wars canon books for fans of the franchise.

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Even when Ventress had only just moved away from being a Sith – after getting shunned by Dooku – she showed great bravery. She attempted to assassinate Dooku, and she showed no fear in the criminal underworld as a bounty hunter/mercenary. She showed an admirable audacity in her noble act of saving a bounty target from her marriage. Ventress also has to deal with a lot of mental and emotional trauma in the show, being more than just fearless in combat.

7 Duchess Satine Kryze

Star Wars makes it look easy for characters to be fearless in battle. What proves to be far harder for a character is reusing to fight unless it is entirely necessary, which is precisely what Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore achieves.

Satine does fight during The Clone Wars, but only when her life is in danger. Apart from that, she upholds the pacifist life of Mandalore, refusing to back down against threats from terrorist groups and violent protests. Satine had to be the calm, diplomatic leader in the war, all while dealing with her own personal issues regarding Obi-Wan and Bo-Katan and the likes of Deah Watch.

6 Fives

The clones were an absolute revelation in The Clone Wars. From the nameless, faceless soldiers to the unique individuals with personalities that draw audiences in, Fives is one of the most beloved and one who shows a colossal act of bravery.

Fives is the clone who discovered the secret of the inhibitor chips, and in doing so, found himself in the web of a vast conspiracy. He refused to back down from the truth, taking on everyone from the Kaminoans to the Chancellor himself. It cost him his life. Fives was also a part of Domino Squad, surviving many battles, continuing to do so after the rest of the Squad had died or gone MIA, forced to deal with that loss.

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5 Padmé Amidala

The bravery of Padmé Amidala can be easily underappreciated by fans. Padmé shows such a fierce heart and fearlessness throughout the prequel trilogy and The Clone Wars that she is reminiscent of her daughter.

Padmé doesn’t get involved in much action throughout the war. However, when she is thrust into a battle situation, she is there fighting for her life and the lives of those around her, never backing down. The true bravery of Padmé, though, comes in the Senate. She is always standing up, not only for her people, but also for the innocent citizens of the Separatist worlds and neutral planets. She never balks at fear tactics or assassination attempts and is a constant thorn in Palpatine’s side with her intellect and spirit.

4 Captain Rex

Captain Rex has proved himself one of the finest characters in Star Wars through his time in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch. In all three of these shows, he displays incredible fortitude and valor, earning unequivocal respect.

Like the Jedi, Rex is there on the front lines, leading his men and fighting for them. The journey he goes on to become more of a free-thinking individual, who is courageous enough even to defy orders if it is the right thing to do, is a crucial element of his bravery. How he keeps a record of Fives’ conspiracy and helps Ahsoka in the show’s finale were two perfect examples of the character’s courage on a more personal level.

3 Anakin Skywalker

When it comes to sheer will and fearlessness in the war, there is arguably nobody braver than Anakin Skywalker, who is the first into a battle and the last to leave. While he is undoubtedly rash and overly emotional at points, his bravery is there for everyone to admire.

It is not just the way Anakin conducts himself in the face of the opposition that highlights his incredible courage, but how he never abandons those he cares about. Anakin’s courage can come across as arrogance rather than from a place of heart, though. On top of that, Anakin is not as fearless in life as he is in battle. He is constantly scared of losing Padmé – and others – nearly killing Clovis because of it (one of Anakin’s many crimes in the prequel era) displaying a real lack of fortitude in those moments.

2 Obi-Wan Kenobi

On the surface, Anakin comes across as braver than Obi-Wan. He is fearless and never shies away from a fight, after all. Obi-Wan, though, shows such a remarkable fortitude in the show that the two are neck-and-neck in terms of bravery.

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Obi-Wan’s shortcomings as a Jedi Master who got thrust into the position, the tragic past with Satine and what he gave up, and how he never comes close to the temptation of the dark side, despite Maul’s attempts and what he suffers, are displays of true grit alongside his fearlessness in the face of the enemy. It is hard to separate the likes of Rex, Anakin, and Obi-Wan, who all show bravery on many occasions in a variety of ways.

1 Ahsoka Tano

In every Star Wars production, the most prominent hero is the one who commits the greatest number of heroic acts. Ahsoka Tano does not buck this trend, proving herself one of the saga’s best and bravest in The Clone Wars.

She has the fearlessness (as well as the arguable arrogance) of Anakin but also suffers in the series and is forced to face her own ideologies head-on. The choice to leave the Jedi Order was so bold, and going out on her own showed real bottle and maturity. Ahsoka has all the grit in the Galaxy and a determination to do good, no matter what. Throw in emotional and mental fortitude and a beautiful yet painful journey, and you have The Clone Wars’ bravest character.

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