In Star Wars: The Old Republic, players have access to a variety of different missions and story content, with more on the way from the upcoming Legacy of the Sith expansion this December. Of these, the Alliance quests require players to complete the daily Heroic 2+ missions to earn Alliance crates and build up their forces. As each side has over 60 heroic missions across 17 planets, knowing what to prioritize can be challenging for solo players wanting to limit the grind. This guide will explain which two planets are the quickest to complete and which two take the longest so players can get back to saving the galaxy sooner.


Heroics that take place on the starter planets are not included, as they are only accessible to the classes that begin there. Planets that contain four or fewer heroic missions were also not included to limit the number of times the player would have to transport to a different planet. This guide prioritizes completing the main missions over the bonus missions as the bonus missions have fewer rewards and XP.

Overall, the difficulty of soloing any Heroic 2+ will depend on the player’s gear and companion influence level. As long as the player has gear that is rated above the heroic’s suggested level and a companion set to prioritize healing, soloing the quickest daily heroics can be an excellent way to farm XP, credits, and Alliance crates. This way, the player will have more time to explore the world of SWTOR and the activities it has to offer.

Quickest And Longest Star Wars: The Old Republic Heroics

Republic Heroics

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For Republic players, the quickest planets to complete all Heroics on are Balmorra and Belsavis. Each of these planets’ Heroic missions tends to either be clustered together or appear in small dungeons that only the player has access to. On Balmorra, multiple Heroics and their bonus missions can be completed concurrently. On Belsavis, though the enemies are notably tougher, with multiple elite- and champion-ranked NPCs, they spawn in smaller numbers and can be bypassed if the player has stealth.

The Heroics that Republic players should avoid to save time are those on Alderaan and Hoth. While each of these planets has a large list of missions the player can pick up, the time each mission takes is lengthened by the size of the dungeons, the number of steps, and the difficulty of the enemies. Several of Hoth’s Heroics are open to all players rather than appearing as individual dungeons, which can make gathering quest materials difficult when players must wait for particular enemies to respawn. On Alderaan, the bulk of the quests take place around the Killik hives, which are either spread out or very tight. The areas are mainly filled with elite-level enemies that will respawn and need to be defeated more than once.

Empire Heroics

Like its Republic counterparts, the Empire’s Belsavis Heroics mainly take place in small dungeons only the player has access to, where bypassing enemies is made easy with stealth. These traits also apply to a number of Tatooine’s Heroics, with the open map quests populated by lower-level enemies. Additionally, some of Tatooine’s Heroics have added value through a few entertaining, but short, cutscenes.

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The Empire’s Hoth and Taris Heroics have the same traits that make them more difficult and time-consuming. They are located in open spaces on the map where the player will likely need to wait for quest enemies to respawn. Additionally, the ruins of Taris have multiple levels that the player will need to navigate and possibly backtrack through if they find themselves in the wrong place.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is available on PC.

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