Star Wars: The Last Jedi may have a major connection to the classic Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic stories and games. In 2003, BioWare and LucasArts released what’s generally considered one of the best video games ever made. Knights of the Old Republic was set 4,000 years before the formation of the Galactic Republic, in a time when both Jedi and Sith were numerous. The game was such a success that it led to a series of sequels, including Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, which was made by Osidian Entertainment. These games all comprised a key part of the classic Star Wars Expanded Universe, which incorporated countless forms of tie-in material into the canon.


When Disney purchased Lucasfilm in 2012, they swiftly realized that they had a difficult choice to make. The Expanded Universe featured a lot of tremendous and critically acclaimed content, including KotOR and its sequels, but unfortunately, it was also highly restrictive. The scale and complexity of it meant that Disney couldn’t do anything without creating contradictions, and as a result they had to render all the EU non-canon, branding it “Legends.” Since then, they’ve been carefully mining the EU for some of the its best content, gradually restoring it back into the canon.

It looks as though Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will continue that trend, featuring a major callback to the Knights of the Old Republic games. Lucasfilm has just released a new trailer for Star Wars 9, and it shows Kylo Ren exploring what appears to be an ancient Sith Temple. The focus of the trailer is on the being he meets there – Emperor Palpatine, mysteriously returned from the dead – but attentive viewers have noticed a familiar mask in the background.

This clearly looks like the mask of Darth Nihilus, created as one of the main villains in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. He’s quite a prestigious character, created by Chris Avellone and with his visual design fashioned by Brian Menze (best known for many of the character designs in the original Fallouts). KotOR II portrayed Darth Nihilus as a human who was caught up in the release of energy from an ancient Sith superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator. The experience transformed him into a living “wound in the Force,” burning with an insatiable hunger to consume Force energy. He was found by the Sith, who trained him to become Darth Nihilus, called “the Lord of Hunger,” one of their most powerful and dangerous leaders.

Star Wars has long been restoring elements from KotOR into the canon. In the EU, the Mass Shadow Generator was destroyed at a planet called Malachor, and that Force-scarred world was brought back into canon in Star Wars Rebels; meanwhile, the Mass Shadow Generator itself was name-dropped in Disney canon in a recent in-universe reference book, The Rebel Files. Still, this is the most high-profile addition to date, and it raises the possibility that this entire story is considered canon in the Disney era. It’s worth noting that, in KotOR lore, a Sith’s mask carries a dark side taint from the Sith Lord who wore it; that means this glimpse of Darth Nihilus’ mask is pretty foreboding. It will be fascinating to see if there are any other masks collected in this mysterious Sith construct, and if any of the others are recognizable from KotOR as well.

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