Kylo Ren might’ve died at the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but could a redeemed Ben Solo be revived? Throughout the Star Wars sequel trilogy, the remaining good in Han Solo and Princess Leia’s son was repeatedly teased and, despite mowing down dozens of innocents over the course of each film, Rey continues to try and turn Ben back towards the light. In The Rise of Skywalker, a multitude of factors come together to make this a reality – Palpatine reveals he was manipulating Ben from the start, Rey defeats him in battle but chooses to spare his life with Force healing, and Leia’s death allows Ben to come to terms with his patricide and let go of his Kylo Ren persona.


The transformation comes just in time for Ben to join Rey in the final fight against Palpatine, and while Rey certainly does most of the heavy lifting here, Ben still plays a key role. After Rey channels the spirits of past Jedi to fight back against a renewed Palpatine, she is left exhausted and clinging onto life. Fortunately, Ben manages to return to the battlefield and recreates Rey’s own Force healing technique, using his fading life energy to bring Rey back from the brink, dying for his efforts.

As with most of The Rise of Skywalker, fans seem divided over Ben’s death. While some thought it odd that the character was redeemed and shown passionately kissing Rey, only to promptly kick the bucket, others argue that Kylo Ren didn’t quite deserve a second chance after his heinous acts in the past, and killing the character off was the only real option available. Those in the former camp are now suggesting that Ben might still feature in future Star Wars movies. Although the claim might be made partly out of pure denial, there is some evidence to suggest Ben Solo might live, not least because his Force ghost doesn’t appear in the closing scene. Here’s how the artist formerly known as Kylo Ren could come back for Star Wars 10.

Exegol May Have The Power To Resurrect People

Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – The Visual Dictionary has been incredibly useful in providing salient information that wasn’t revealed on the big screen. Arguably the biggest criticism aimed at the latest Star Wars movie is that a rapid pace and erratic edit leave various plot points ambiguous, but the visual dictionary helps fill some of these gaps, one of which being the return of Palpatine. The Rise of Skywalker never explicitly accounts for Palpatine’s survival after Return of the Jedi – there’s an allusion towards the Sith magic of Darth Plaguesis, Beaumont Kin mentions cloning, and the Sith loyalists on Exegol have Palpatine hooked up to a giant machine, suggesting some kind of technological intervention. The exact mechanics of Palpatine’s continued existence are mostly glossed over, leaving the audience to fit the pieces together themselves.

Fortunately, The Rise of Skywalker‘s visual dictionary provides a helpful pointer. According to Hidalgo’s book, the ancient Sith of centuries prior dug massive fissures into the surface of Exegol in the belief that a “transportative vergence” existed deep within the planet. The exact nature of this power remains a mystery in the Star Wars world, but it might provide further insight into how Palpatine is kept alive, and would also explain why the villain is unable to leave Exegol. Perhaps the machines seen in The Rise of Skywalker connect Palpatine to one such vergence, allowing him to transcend the realm of death – potentially the unnatural process attributed to Darth Plaguesis.

The suggestion that Exegol might have inherent resurrection capabilities gives Ben Solo a route back into the Star Wars franchise, especially since his soul departed on that very planet.

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Ben Solo Could Have Been Resurrected In The Rise Of Skywalker

It might already be outlandish to suggest that Ben Solo could be resurrected in future Star Wars movies, but it’s also possible the character was subtly killed and brought back to life in The Rise of Skywalker, right before the audience’s eyes. The Visual Dictionary‘s description of fissures on the surface of Exegol sounds eerily similar to the chasm Palpatine flings Ben Solo down during their climactic battle. As mentioned previously, Ben is sent off the edge of a crevasse and remains missing for most of the fight. Only when Rey has defeated Palpatine does Ben emerge, clambering his way up from the dark unknown.

Viewers naturally assume that Ben somehow managed to cling on to the rock face and slowly make his way back up the flat ground through sheer determination. Given the additional information provided by the Visual Dictionary, however, Ben might’ve been thrown into one of Exegol’s transportative vergences. There are several potential interpretations of how this would play out. Either Ben Solo dies from the fall and is resurrected by Exegol itself, or maybe the pit is a vergence but Ben manages to hang on and physically climb out via his own steam. It might also be significant that Ben only returns form the vergence once Palpatine is defeated, almost as if the planet stopped sustaining one figure, and moved straight onto another.

In terms of the future, this scene could have a variety of implications. If Ben fell into an Exegol vergence shortly before dying, the energy of the planet might still be lingering enough to revive him, similar to how the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who grows back a hand because he only recently regenerated. Alternatively, being cast into the vergence but clinging onto the rock might’ve still been enough to give Ben an ‘extra life’ of sorts, allowing him one single go at cheating death from being exposed to the planet’s energy. The word “transportative” could be significant – fans assume the disappearance of Ben’s body is due to being at one with the Force, like Obi-Wan, Yoda and Luke Skywalker previously. But describing the vergences on Exegol as transportative implies that they move beings from one place to another. Was Ben’s disappearance not a death, but a relocation?

Ben Solo Could Return Thanks To Exegol In Star Wars 10

While the future of Ben is currently unknown, perhaps even to Disney themselves right now, there’s enough built into the mythology of Exegol to provide a potential route back for the character if Star Wars ever decides they want more of Adam Driver. Certainly, The Rise of Skywalker‘s closing scenes leave Rey’s future on an open note, and the Force dyad intrinsically links her with Ben Solo, probably even in death. Many fans might describe Rey and Ben’s story as unfinished, so there’s definitely room for his return in terms of the narrative, depending on whether Disney decide to use their next Star Wars film as a completely fresh start or a semi-continuation of the sequel trilogy.

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Making Ben Solo’s return even more likely, some theories suggest that Exegol is a gateway to the Star Wars World Between Worlds, a connective realm of the Force that features in Star Wars Rebels. The Jedi Ezra Bridger enters this plane and manages to save Ahsoka Tano from death, hearing Kylo Ren’s voice while he’s visiting. If Exegol does link to the World Between Worlds, and Ben’s physical body died there, there’s a clear path for Jedi (or Sith) from the past or present to reach in and bring the character back to life. After The Rise of Skywalker, Disney might just want to let the past die ahead of Star Wars 10, but a contingency for Ben Solo’s return does seem to have been subtly laid out.

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