Warning! Spoilers ahead for Star Wars #4.

The Star Wars galaxy is full of characters of different shapes, sizes, species. However, there are a handful that seem to standout from the pack for being just a little…odd. One such character is none other than Lobot, the cyborg right hand man to Lando Calrissian when he was Baron Administrator of Cloud City during Empire Strikes Back. Lobot never spoke a word, but was instrumental in helping Lando escape Cloud City with Leia, Luke, and Chewbacca after the Empire took over the city and captured Han Solo. However, it was unclear as to what happened to Lando’s faithful aide after Empire. Until now.


Lobot is a humanoid cyborg, whose implants in his head allow him to formulate complex calculations, strategies, and grant him unique access to a variety of systems and networks. Initially, he installed the implants in service of the Empire, creating new battle tactics and strategies for them. However, after leaving the Empire, he joined up with Lando Calrissian. During a job where they tried to steal the Emperor’s personal yacht, Lobot was wounded, which caused his implant to start taking over his mind, losing his personality to programming if he doesn’t remain focused. When Lando became Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lobot became his chief aide and the city’s computer liaison officer. Thanks to the latest issue of Marvel’s Star Wars comic series, fans now know what became of the wordless cyborg after Empire Strikes Back.

In Star Wars #4, Lando, Luke, and Leia decide to return to Cloud City, each with their own purpose and agenda. Luke wants to try and find his lost lightsaber, and Leia wants to learn more about the carbonite freezing process, so that Han can be freed once found. Lando on the other hand, claims that he wants payback for the Empire did to him and his city and that he owes someone a debt. Upon landing at Cloud City, Lando finds Lobot forcibly plugged into the entire city’s mainframe, which Lando uses to his advantage. Through Lobot, Lando manages to contaminate the entire city’s valuable tibanna gas production lines, the whole reason the Empire took over Cloud City in the first place. Furthermore, Lobot (not to be outdone) programs a small army of seemingly harmless mouse droids to charge and crash into the squadron of stormtroopers that were about to break into the room. Lando then cuts Lobot free, then rejoining Luke, Leia, and a handful of other captured Cloud City citizens.

It should be exciting for fans see Lobot’s story continue beyond his small amount of screen time during Empire Strikes Back. The strange character does have a strong following. Reunited with Lando, it stands to reason that Lobot would go on to help the Rebellion in some way, shape, or form. This return to Cloud City does seem to have further developed Lando’s progression into a hero as well, especially after saving Lobot who he admits to be his friend, and receiving gratitude from the citizens they saved. Despite the rescue of the citizens being somewhat coincidental, it seems to have had an effect on Lando. Perhaps this was the push he needed to become a true part of the Rebellion. Who knows what else is in store Lando and Lobot, but it certainly is great to see that Lobot survived Empire.

Star Wars #4 is on comic book stores shelves now.

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