Star Warswent through some changes again for its inclusion in Disney+’s catalogue, and among those changes is the Han/Greedo scene in Star Wars: A New Hope, with Greedo now saying “maclunkey” right before he’s shot. It seems George Lucas will never be fully satisfied with how the Star Wars original trilogy looks, as he has made a bunch of changes to it multiple times, and not all of these have been well received by fans.

With Disney now in control of all content from Lucasfilm, it seemed like there would be no more changes to the original trilogy… until Disney+ arrived and proved that there are many things that can still be added, tweaked, and cut. The Han/Greedo scene is a frequent topic of discussion between fans (the answer to “who shot first” will depend on which version you watch), who will now have something else to talk about as the Disney+ version of Star Wars: A New Hope added one final line for Greedo before he dies.


Greedo’s last word is now “maclunkey”, which doesn’t feature any subtitles, and has of course caught fire online. Contrary to what some might believe, this word does have a meaning, and in the context of the scene is an ironic one.

What “Maclunkey” Actually Means

As pointed out by Bryan Young on Twitter, “maclunkey” is a huttese word that can be roughly translated as “this will be the end of you”, hence why it’s funny and ironic that it was Greedo’s last word (and directed to Han Solo). Young also adds that the same word was spoken by Sebulba in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, when young Anakin Skywalker stops him from beating Jar Jar Binks. It has already been confirmed that these changes to the film were supervised by George Lucas as part of the 4k restoration of the original trilogy, so this minor connection to the prequels isn’t that surprising.

Lucas began working on yet another remastering of the Star Wars saga in 2010 as part of a 3D edition that ended up not being released. Disney acquired Lucasfilm a few years later and these new versions were left aside until now. The current Han/Greedo scene also has both characters shooting simultaneously (again!), and this new “maclunkey” scene is yet another attempt from Lucas to make all the films feel more cohesive – but at least this version of Star Wars: A New Hope has a better image quality, so not all changes were unnecessary or for the worse… at least not this time.

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