Becoming a Jedi in Star Wars is no small feat or easy task. The Jedi live by a strict code revolving around peace, harmony, and a deeper understanding of all living organisms. Padawans need a Master to teach them the ropes to become Jedi.

While fans see so many Jedi in the Star Wars world, all who are powerful and attuned to the force, their methods and personalities differ. Fans can find the perfect Jedi Master for themselves—one who will balance out their weaknesses and teach them to develop traits like theirs—by matching them to their zodiac.


Aries – Cal Kestis

Those under the fiery sign Aries are known for being courageous individuals, ready at any second to jump into the action. They are highly ambitious, constantly wanting to prove their strength, but they can be impatient and spontaneous. A Jedi Master perfect for Aries is Cal Kestis.

Cal Kestis values the art of balance. He is empathetic and compassionate to those around him in need of help. While he also has a bit of a temper, he would constantly keep his Aries Padawan in line, reminding them to focus and think things through before they jump into the situation. He would remind them of the importance of balancing their impulsive nature with strategy and always thinking about how it will affect the other people involved.

Taurus – Qui-Gon Jinn

Taureans are very stable and grounded individuals. Once they decide what they believe is true, they will lay roots there and not be moved. They take a practical and logical approach to every situation. However, sometimes they fail to see the bigger picture of a situation and lack apathy—which is why they need a Master like Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon was a very complex character, and there is a lot that fans might not know about him. Qui-Gon had many layers as a Jedi, and he was very emotionally attuned, which some might say is a weakness for a Jedi. He cares so deeply for people that he is willing to take their problems and pain. He would teach his Taurean Padawan to look up from their own personal goals and be aware of the people around them. He would remind them to be more open to others’ stories and be willing to listen more.

Gemini – Ahsoka Tano

Those born under the Gemini sign are knowledgeable and perceptive. They are curious souls, always ready to ask questions and learn new things. They make for great Jedi because they can be versatile in a situation. They tend to overanalyze and question everything, which is why Ahsoka would make a great Master for them.

Ahsoka feels things very similarly to her Gemini Padawans. She was constantly seeking to learn new things and explore new situations. She learned quickly when she needed to listen and when and how to communicate. While her Padawan might constantly be thinking about the results and all the fine details, she will lecture them to keep their eyes on the goal. The fine details don’t always matter as long as they keep on the straight and narrow path.

Cancer – Mace Windu

Those under the Cancer sign are highly emotional beings. They are constantly self-aware and care deeply about others, seeking to help them at any cost. However, they have a hard time pushing past grief. They would need a Jedi Master that is head-strong to lead them right, someone like Mace Windu.

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Mace Windu was a Jedi Master set in his ways. He knew the ways of the Council and was determined to keep those rules in place, and there weren’t any exceptions. He values practical knowledge, and that is why he would remind his Cancer Padawan not to lose sight of what matters. He would tell them the ways of the Force and remind them that regret can lead to the Dark Side. Not everyone can be saved, and sometimes they will have to choose their initiative over others.

Leo – Anakin Skywalker

Leos can make for mighty Jedi. They know what they want and aren’t afraid to chase after it. They never tend to doubt themselves and are confident in their actions. However, Leos tend to be quick to trust those around them in an attempt to feel validation. Their Jedi Master would be Anakin Skywalker.

While Anakin is associated with being a sith, he was a true hero and a good Jedi. Anakin and his Leo Padawan would go together perfectly. They both tend to follow their hearts, chasing after their desires and being confident in themselves. Anakin does have one thing that his Padawan lacks, and this is an intense ability to assess others’. He would remind his Padawan not to trust too quickly as anyone could be at their back, ready to stab them.

Virgo – Yoda

Virgos are known for their attention to detail. They are highly intelligent in practical manners, making out patterns where others’ might fail. They care more about others than themselves and strive to be the best versions of themselves for them. They require a Jedi Master like Yoda.

Master Yoda is perhaps the wisest and Force-aware Jedi in the galaxy. He is constantly connected to his intuitive side, seeing situations before they happen and feeling things deeply. He is the perfect Jedi Master for the Virgo, who is so physically concentrated on everything and strives for perfection. Yoda would remind his Padawan to sit and meditate on their feelings. They must trust in the Force to guide them rather than constantly doubt their abilities.

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Libra – Ben Solo

The sign Libra is compassion, always thinking about others and how they can help them. They are not easily distracted and are great for strategy and plans. However, they tend to avoid conflict at all costs, too worried about what other people think, which limits their full potential. They would need a Master like Ben Solo.

Before Ben turned to the Dark Side and became Kylo, he trained to become a great Jedi. He proved if he used his powers for good, he was a strong Jedi. Though he is hot-headed and impulsive, he would have a lot to teach his Libra Padawan. He is direct and brutally honest if need be. Unlike his Padawan, he is unafraid of conflict and would remind them that sometimes they must tread on others to reach their potential. Sometimes, it’s okay to take risks.

Scorpio – Luke Skywalker

Scorpios are a powerful zodiac, keen to see through people and read their intentions before it is physically shown. They are courageous, not fearing their destruction or death rather fearing vulnerability. Their weakness is their distrust of everyone around them. Their Jedi Master would be Luke Skywalker.

Luke was a great Jedi Master, learning many important lessons from Yoda and Obi-Wan. He, like his Padawan, is full of courage and isn’t afraid of putting himself at risk to help others. Unlike his Padawan, he is led more by his heart and feels great compassion for others. He could teach his Scorpio Padawan that they can let down their guard a bit to fully appreciate others who stand to teach them or assist them.

Sagittarius – Leia Organa

Those under the sign Sagittarius strive off pure emotion. They react according to how they feel and freely say whatever is on their minds. They are a very versatile sign, ready to adapt to their scenery quickly and long to explore all possibilities. They need a Jedi Master who will teach more discipline, such as Leia.

Leia, like her Sagittarius Padawan, was a very versatile Jedi. She liked to learn things and wasn’t afraid to ask questions. She can size people up from the minute they walk into the room, analyzing their every move. She could teach her impulsive Padawan to be more perceptive and weigh their options before diving into a situation headfirst. She would remind them when it is time to listen rather than speak so hastily what is on their mind.

Capricorn – Rey

Capricorns are the most determined individuals, motivated by duty and constantly striving for success. They will push aside any feelings or people that get in the way of their goals. While this makes them go-getters, it also means they are constantly taking on more than they can handle. They need a Jedi Master like Rey.

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Rey would see very eye-to-eye with her Capricorn Padawan. Like them, she sees emotions as an obstacle in the way of success. She is always looking at the bigger picture, testing the boundaries of reality, and taking paths no one else dared to take. While her Padawan takes on the responsibility to please others, she would remind them it’s okay to do things for themselves. She would constantly teach them it’s okay to be different and stand out from the crowd.

Aquarius – Shaak Ti

The Aquarius zodiac is an eccentric sign that seeks to always be outside of the constraints of humanity. They don’t want to be held down by rules and regulations, rather learn and grow by their means. They are okay with being different and love to stand out. Their Jedi Master would be Shaak Ti.

While Shaak Ti would agree with her Padawan that emotions can be a weakness, she would also disapprove of her Aquarius Padawans’ defiance of the norms. She would teach them strict discipline when it came to doing their Jedi duty. Even if it meant bowing their heads in the face of adversity, they must allow striving to fulfill their role.

Pisces – Obi-Wan

Pisces are one of the most spiritually intune zodiacs. They always ponder things intuitively. However, this leaves them prone to fantasy, always looking at things on a spiritual level, that they fail to succeed tasks physically. They need a Jedi Master like Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan has so many powerful moments in Star Wars and was probably one of the best Jedi Masters. He is always seeking to help others, and sincerely wants the best for them. While he may seem judgemental at times, it is simply because he always practically analyses things. He would constantly remind Pisces to put their thought to action. It’s good to feel attuned to the Force but he would remind them to be present at the moment as well.

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