The majority of the opening act of the original 1977 Star Wars movie is spent with C-3PO and R2-D2, as Princess Leia’s ship is attacked by the Empire and she sends her two droids down to Tatooine to bring a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi. They traipse across the desert before being abducted by Jawas and sold to Luke Skywalker’s uncle, where the adventure begins.

In the decades since, Artoo has become easily the most beloved and iconic droid in the Star Wars universe, while the fan response to Threepio has been less enthusiastic. Threepio might not be as lovable as Artoo, but he’s still underrated.

10 R2-D2 Is Everyone’s Favorite: His Inability To Speak Makes Him More Like A Pet

R2-D2 doesn’t speak in words like C-3PO; he can only speak in beeps and whirs. This inability to verbally communicate with his co-stars makes him more like a pet whereas Threepio is sort of a robot butler type.

Artoo is a lot like Chewbacca in this respect. The growling style of the Wookiee language has given Han and Chewie a kind of man-and-his-dog dynamic.

9 C-3PO Is Underrated: His Neurosis Is Endearing

Despite having programming in place of emotions, C-3PO is more anxious than any of the other Rebel heroes. His vast knowledge, like the exact odds of surviving a trip through an asteroid field, makes him more nervous than the characters who don’t know how much danger they’re in.

This neurosis is endearing. Threepio is terrified of dangerous situations, and yet he’s constantly thrust into them because he belongs to Leia Organa, the fearless leader of the Rebellion.


8 R2-D2 Is Everyone’s Favorite: He’s Fiercely Loyal

Little Artoo is one of the most fiercely loyal droids in the Star Wars universe. Whenever Luke tells Artoo to stay with the ship in the original trilogy, the plucky little astro droid ignores the order and follows him into danger.

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There’s a fan theory floating around that Artoo always refused to stay with the ship and went with Luke because when Anakin told him to stay with the ship on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith, he never came back.

7 C-3PO Is Underrated: He’s A Great Foil For Characters Other Than Artoo

C-3PO is introduced as a foil for fellow droid R2-D2, as Threepio’s constant worrying clashes with Artoo’s blasé attitude in the face of peril, but Artoo isn’t the only character Threepio is a great foil for.

From his heartwarming friendship with Luke (one of the only characters who actually respects him) to Han’s lack of patience for his panicky personality, Threepio is a hilarious foil for almost everyone.

6 R2-D2 Is Everyone’s Favorite: He’s One Of Star Wars’ Cutest Characters

From Grogu to Babu Frik, Star Wars fans go wild when a cute character is introduced into the saga’s fictional universe. Artoo set this trend because aside from maybe Chewbacca, he was the cutest character in the original 1977 movie.

While BB-8 has since challenged Artoo’s title as the most adorable droid in a galaxy far, far away, Artoo remains one of the cutest characters in the franchise’s history.

5 C-3PO Is Underrated: He Makes Artoo Funnier

While Threepio is a comic foil for the entire Star Wars cast, he’s primarily contrasted with Artoo. Threepio’s reactions to Artoo’s beeps and whirs are what give them context.

All the humans Artoo interacts with might baby him and give him the benefit of the doubt, but Threepio can see through his cheeky programming and has no patience for it.

4 R2-D2 Is Everyone’s Favorite: His Arsenal Of Gadgets Provided Endless Fun

R2-D2 was designed with a ton of gadgets at his disposal. He showed off a bunch of these gadgets in the original trilogy, shooting Luke’s lightsaber at him on Jabba’s barge and using a little buzzsaw to cut the Rebels out of a net they got caught in.

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Then, in the prequels, this arsenal of gadgets was taken to a new level. He has thrusters that allow him to fly and can let out an oil slick to make Super Battle Droids trying to capture him slip over.

3 C-3PO Is Underrated: He Ends Up Saving The Rebels’ Lives On Endor

Throughout the first two Star Wars movies, Threepio is more of a burden than a help. He’s destroyed in Empire and Chewie has to collect his parts and piece him back together. But in the final chapter of the trilogy, Return of the Jedi, he saves the Rebels’ lives.

The Ewoks are about to kill Luke, Han, and Chewie, but since they worship C-3PO as a golden god, he can sway public opinion. Luke uses the Force to make him float, forcing the Ewoks to do his bidding and let his friends live. Without Threepio’s efforts, the Rebels would’ve failed in the Battle of Endor and the Empire would’ve won.

2 R2-D2 Is Everyone’s Favorite: Ben Burtt’s Sound Design Gave Him A Tangible Personality

Sound design master Ben Burtt, the man who created Darth Vader’s breathing and the hum of a lightsaber, managed to give R2-D2 a tangible personality, despite only speaking in beeps and whirs.

We can never understand what Artoo is actually saying (although a bizarre deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith sees Anakin translating droid-speak for Obi-Wan), but thanks to Burtt’s sound design, the attitude behind each line comes through clear as day.

1 C-3PO Is Underrated: Anthony Daniels’ Performance Is One Of The Saga’s Best

While the most acclaimed performances in the Star Wars saga are by actors whose faces can be seen, like Harrison Ford and Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels’ portrayal of C-3PO as a cross between a British character actor and the Tin Man is spot-on.

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What’s even more impressive about Daniels’ performance is that he managed to nail the character’s eccentric mannerisms and every line delivery while wearing a metal suit in the blistering heat of Tunisia.

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