Star Wars, thus far, has only made mention of one Mandalorian Jedi. More than a thousand years before A New Hope, the Jedi Tarre Vizsla was an active and successful member of the Jedi Order. He was respected enough that the Jedi kept his unique darksaber as a memorial until it was looted during the Mandalorian-Jedi Wars. If Vizsla was an honored Jedi, why have there not been more Mandalorian Jedi?

Tarre Vizsla’s history is touched on in Star Wars: Rebels. As a respected Mandalorian and Jedi, his creation, the darksaber, becomes a powerful symbol among Mandalorians for generations. The Mandalorian who wields it is considered to be the ruler of Mandalore, and that respect emanates from the fact the Vizsla was a Jedi. That respect is not given to all Jedi, however, even though it would make sense that other Force-sensitive Mandalorians have existed, none have joined the Jedi Order. This probably stems from the fact that there is too much contention between the Mandalorians and the Jedi.


The Mandalorian-Jedi War, which gave way to the Sith War, took place after Vizsla’s death, and that changed everything for Mandalorian culture. The war was deadly and destructive, ending with the surface destruction of the planet Mandalore. The Mandalorians held the Jedi responsible for this, and though they were respected enemies, that hatred grew for years and grudges are held until the present timeline in Star Wars. The Jedi, who claim young force wielders in their early years of life, would have had to locate and contact the Mandalorians in order to bring their younglings to the order. Due to the hostility the Mandalorians hold for the Jedi, it is unlikely they would give up a Mandalorian child without a fight. A peaceful transition would be of the utmost necessity for the Jedi, therefore taking Mandalorian children from their homes peacefully would be next to impossible.

The Mandalorian armor, as made famous by Boba Fett and Din Djarin, is a direct response to the power the Jedi held in the Old Republic. It was designed as a way to fight the Jedi, and is demonstrated in Star Wars: Rebels, season 3, episode 15 “Trials Of The Darksaber”. Sabine, in her early training with the melee weapon, demonstrates the capabilities of her beskar armor and unique contraptions against a Jedi Knight. As a people inherently intent on war, their armor reflects their most deadly adversaries to a frightening degree. In the years since the war with the Jedi, the memory of their scorched planet is still fresh and the scars have not healed, making the Jedi the natural enemy of Mandalore. The Jedi, with their yearning for peace, would respect this to a degree as well. Even if a Force-sensitive child were born on Mandalore, claiming it for the Jedi Order could incite violence, which is not the Jedi way.

Even if a youngling were inducted into the order, the lingering knowledge and instincts instilled by their childhood could cause problems for the Jedi. As a culture constantly at war and thriving on battle, the serenity of a Jedi mind would be hard to maintain to say the least. Battle breeds anger, fear, and a desire for revenge, all things a Jedi should not entertain. The constant call to the dark side could be ever-present for a young Mandalorian Jedi, and their fall would be catastrophic, not only for the Jedi Order, but possibly for the galaxy at large. More dangerous still, what if a dark side Mandalorian claimed the darksaber? Mandalore could unite under a dark side banner, and the galaxy would be torn apart.

With so many cultural differences and pain in the years after Tarre Vizsla’s death, the Mandalorians would prefer to have nothing to do with the Jedi. The Jedi, on the other hand, understand these reservations and would prefer not to fan the flames. They probably also have a fear of what would happen to a Mandalorian if their training in the Force were to go the wrong way. However, with the cultures being consistently united through The Clone Wars and in the era of The Mandalorian, the option for a Mandalorian Jedi could once again become a reality for Star Wars.

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