Spoilers ahead for S.W.O.R.D. #11!

The X-Men’s weather-wielding Storm has always been one of the strongest mutants in Marvel Comics. Most fans know that she can manipulate electromagnetic fields around her, meaning she has weather-altering abilities. However, Al Ewing and Jacopo Camagni’s S.W.O.R.D. #11 just featured Ororo Munroe as more potent than she’s ever been.

In House of X #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz, Storm is listed on the official list of known Omega level mutants. This term, coined by Fred Duncan (the FBI’s mutant activities director) and used by Charles Xavier, classifies Earth-616’s most powerful mutants. The term gets thrown around quite frequently in X-Men comics, and even though Storm falls into this class, it’s possible that she could be as omnipotent as Jean Grey is when she acquires the Phoenix Force and becomes the iconic and menacing Dark Phoenix.


Storm’s Omega level status is a big deal, but she may have just surpassed this level of classification, perhaps making her the strongest mutant alive in the current Marvel canon. In S.W.O.R.D. #11, Storm gains control of air pressure and uses it to destroy a horde of cybernetic enemies. While Storm frequently creates hurricanes, cyclones, and lightning, she’s never had such literal control of the air pressure in a room. In theory, with this new use of her powers, she’s able to crush anything near her, acting almost like telekinesis. Ororo has always been “The Weather Goddess,” but since Storm is currently the regent of Arrako, a terraformed planet, Marvel has made her more god-like than ever.

Ororo was first dubbed a “goddess” in her first appearance in Giant-Size X-Men #1 by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum. That issue introduced some of the most popular mutants in a new X-Men team, including Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Storm. So Ororo has been a “goddess” from the very beginning. Furthermore, in C.B. Cebulski and Phil Noto’s Mystic Arcana Sister Grimm, Ororo’s ancestor, Ashake, is revealed as a worshipper of Oshtur—the mother of Agamotto. Agamotto, of course, is the first Sorcerer Supreme. While Storm isn’t Master of the Mystic Arts, she has essential ties to powerful entities, just like Doctor Strange.

However, even with Storm’s direct ties to mysticism, she’s still only a humanoid mutant. While her control over the weather does grow more substantial with the faith of others, her body still doesn’t have any superhuman durability. While emitting a lot of energy, Storm can become exhausted. For example, when Ororo gains control of the air pressure in S.W.O.R.D. #11, her nose begins to bleed; this means that even her extreme power has her limits.

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Even if Marvel Comics recognizes the extreme energy Storm can emit, writers tend to limit her abilities and keep her grounded. Despite this, Storm will probably hold the title of “The Weather Goddess” for her entire career. In time, maybe Storm will surpass her status as an Omega level mutant and become the true goddess fans know her to be.

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