Chaos has taken an early victory against the Warriors of Light, as the demo for Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin on PlayStation 5 is currently corrupt and unplayable. Strangers of Paradise is an upcoming Final Fantasy action RPG, with gameplay reminiscent of the Dark Souls series.

The existence of a game called Final Fantasy Origin was leaked last month, with leakers claiming that it was being co-developed by Team Ninja of Dead or Alive fame. The game was officially unveiled during the Square Enix Presents Summer Showcase at E3 2021, under the name Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin. The initial trailer showed a game that was much darker and more violent than other Final Fantasy games. It’s likely that Strangers of Paradise is set in the same world as the first Final Fantasy game.


The Strangers in Paradise announcement was accompanied by the reveal of a PS5-exclusive demo, called the Trial Version. The Trial Version was made available to download shortly after the presentation, but people have been unable to actually play it. Launching the Strangers of Paradise program on the PS5 home screen brings up a message saying that the game is corrupted, and won’t boot. Square Enix has put out an official statement on the Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Twitter page. The company is trying to resolve the issue, but it hasn’t given an ETA for when it could be updated and made functional.

It’s unclear if these technical issues will extend the demo’s timed availability. The Trial Version was supposed to be active from June 13-24, with a survey about the game made available from June 13-30. If it takes a couple of days for the issues with the Trial Version to be resolved, then Square Enix might extend the length of time it’s available. This wouldn’t be the first time that Square Enix has had to extend a timed deal due to last-minute delays.

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Strangers of Paradise looks like a promising game, but it hasn’t had the best start. The self-proclaimed Warriors of Light might be determined to wipe out Chaos, but it seems that they couldn’t compete with some computer glitches. It’s also possible that this delay is due to issues with the PlayStation Store, rather than an issue on Square Enix’s end. Whatever the case, it seems prospective fans will have to wait a while to battle chaos for themselves.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin will be released for PC, PS4. PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S in 2022. The Trial Version demo is currently available to download on PS5.

Source: Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin/Twitter

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