Stranger Things has brought the world many lovable characters, ranging from Eleven to Will to Hopper. But as each season comes out and as the antagonists evolve, we get additional characters to fan over, even ones that the audience ends up not liking.

Despite being a supporting antagonist on Stranger Things, Heather Holloway was initially likable, a young teen whose only worry was to lifeguard during the summer. Unfortunately, Billy and the Mind Flayer dragged her into their mess and she becomes one of the Flayed. Introduced as a somewhat minor character, Heather Holloway made a major impact on season three. There are no small roles, so here are some additional details about Heather Holloway that may have been overlooked.

10 She Died On Independence Day

It comes as no surprise that a minor antagonist ends up being killed off. One unfortunate detail about Heather Holloway is that she died on Independence Day.

Everyone kind of saw her death coming, but it’s just one of those deaths that happened on a significant day that wasn’t explicitly advertised when her death happened.

9 She Turns Into A Monster

As previously mentioned, Heather Holloway dies on July 4th or Independence Day. But the way she dies is one of the worst ways – she turns into a recurring monster identified as the Mind Flayer.

A possessed Heather and her possessed mother were summoned by the Mind Flayer. They both go to Brimborn Steel Works, where they are both melted by the Mind Flayer and are merged with it to create a giant Mind Flayer.


8 She’s Caring Even When Possessed

It’s no secret that Heather comes across as a caring character. She works to save lives and prevent drowning as her job, for starters.

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But it isn’t until her encounters with Billy that she truly shows her caring side. While Billy was hallucinating and screaming in the shower, she came to his side to check in on him. Even when they were both possessed, her caring side comes out when she tends to Billy’s wounds after his fight with Eleven and the gang. Possessed or not, her sweet side knows no bounds.

7 Her Shift Was Always Before Billy’s

It may be odd to pay attention to fictional lifeguarding schedules, but another hidden detail explained about Heather is that her lifeguarding shift was always scheduled before Billy’s.

The moms at the pool also knew this since they’d count down the minutes until her shift was over so they can prepare to say hi to Billy, as he made his way to the lifeguard tower. Heather would also acknowledge Billy as they passed each other with her going back to the clubhouse and him to the tower.

6 She Was Named After A Plant

In a way, Heather was actually named after a plant! Well, not literally, though. But some fans may not realize that the name “Heather” originates from the plant that has small leaves and purplish-pink flowers, according to

Just like heather herself, she has the persona of cute, delicate pastel flowers. Unfortunately, the Mind Flayer’s possession turns her less into a beautiful flower to something far less-flattering.

5 Nancy Wheeler Works For Heather’s Dad

The best part about television is that storylines are often all interconnected and this is seen here when Nancy’s overbearing and cruel boss is actually Heather Holloway’s dad!

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Tom Holloway was the journalist and Editor in Chief for the Hawkin’s Post, which is where Nancy was interning and working all throughout season 3. He even fires Nancy and Jonathon, who was also working there, since they were investigating the Mind Flayer, which makes sense since Heather was the one who had him become Flayed in the first place.

4 She’s The First To Kill Loved Ones

Out of all the supporting antagonists to come out of season 3, Heather is the first one to let her loved ones be killed.

She did this by inviting Billy over for dinner and they poisoned her family’s wine. They then took them to the Mind Flayer to have them become possessed like she was. Not even Billy was able to accomplish this feat with Max, thankfully.

3 She Was Hated By The Pool Moms

Let’s be honest, all the moms at the pool only wanted to see one thing – Billy. So it comes as no surprise that they all irrationally hated on Heather via their dialogue.

One mom said, “Even her voice is annoying,” and another mom followed that up with “It’s like nails on a chalkboard.” A third mom piped in to say that, “There’s only 10 minutes left.” Till what? Till Billy.

2 She Had A Crush On Billy

This wasn’t explicitly said in the show, but Heather actually had some feelings for Billy before they became partners in crime.

This can be seen when she flirtatiously walks by him in the first two episodes of the season, as well as when she checks in on him while he was hallucinating in the shower. If it wasn’t for her checking on him, she may have been able to avoid becoming one of the Flayed.

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1 She Could Escape The Mind Flayer’s Mind Control

The Mind Flayer is a strong creature and it’s been able to mind control all of its victims. However, there has been one character that could escape its control, if only for a moment, and that was Heather.

While Eleven was searching for her in the Void, Heather came up gasping for air from a chilled tub. She said, “Help me,” to Eleven, and then was then sucked back into the Void. Even though it was only for a few seconds, Heather was able to gain control of her mind long enough to communicate with Eleven.

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