Although it might seem like small potatoes three seasons in, in the premiere season of Stranger Things the Demogorgon was one of the scariest, strangest, and most mysterious monsters in television history. This beast terrorized the town, abducted Will Byers, and left a path of destruction in it’s wake that the town of Hawkins will never recover from (and we’ll never forget you, Barb). However, this scary as hell demon from another dimension sometimes feels a little too mysterious.

The Demogorgon is some kind of alien creature unlike anything this world has ever seen, and it was difficult for the humans of Hawkins to fight back against this threat. However, there are certain aspects of the Demogorgon mythology that either feel completely not fleshed out or that just don’t make any sense. These are 10 things that are totally baffling about the Demogorgon.

10 How It’s Senses Work

One of the things that makes the Demogorgon such a dangerous predator is it’s ability to hunt it’s prey in an almost incomprehensible way. Much like a typical animal, the Demogorgon seems to be drawn to what it hunts by the scent of blood.

But what is beyond baffling about this typically predatory behavior is that unlike your average animal, somehow the Demogorgon can actually smell blood when it’s in a parallel dimension. The walls that separate the real world from the Upside Down are solid enough to keep people trapped there, but somehow the Demogorgon can smell things in another world?

9 It’s Connection To The Mind Flayer

Understandably, Stranger Things wanted to continually amp up the stakes for the series as each season went on, but something that is very curious about the Demogorgon is it’s connection to the Mind Flayer, whatever that may be.

As far as anyone can tell, it seems like the Mind Flayer is the alpha predator of the Upside Down dimension, and it at least appears to be in complete control of the Demodogs. But where does the Demogorgon fall in this hierarchy, since it seemed to operate completely on it’s own in season one?

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8 What It Lived Off Of Before

Unlike the Mind Flayer, who’s endgame seems to be total world domination, the Demogorgon seemed to be a much simpler animal with simpler goals. It appeared that the Demogorgon wanted nothing more than to survive, and hunted humans in order to subsist off of them.

But that then begs the question, what was it that the Demogorgon was surviving off of before it made contact with this dimension? It doesn’t appear that there is anything to survive off of in the Upside Down, or at least nothing made of meat, which looks to be what the Demogorgon needs to live.

7 How It Can Live Here

This is a question that applies to pretty much everything that comes from the Upside Down, as well as everything from the real world that has managed to enter the Upside Down and return intact.

And that is, what are the actual chances that some alien creature would be able to survive in a different world for longer than a few minutes or hours? It seems exceptionally lucky that the Demogorgon can even breath on earth’s atmosphere, let alone that it can feed off and subsist on animals and people that come from this dimension.

6 It’s Connection To El

We all know that El is one of the most extraordinary humans to ever live, and her powers are unlike anything that anyone has ever seen before. But what’s curious about the Demogorgon is that it somehow could connect with El when she was psychically observing it from afar.

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Since it seems to be intrinsically connected to the Mind Flayer I guess it’s not a stretch that the Demogorgon might have some sort of psychic abilities, but the fact that it could not only sense El, but that it managed to follow her back to this dimension, is something that is both extraordinary and completely unexplained in the series.

5 How It Survives

The mythology of Stranger Things, the Upside Down, and the Demo-species has definitely evolved over the course of the series, however that evolution leaves a lot more questions about the original Demogorgon than answers.

It seems a bit odd that the Demogorgon was flying solo in the first season, but basic common sense would indicate that this is something that shouldn’t even exist or survive for long in the first place. I mean, it’s some sort of creature that exists in a veritable wasteland and seems to be entirely by itself. How has it lived for this long on it’s own?

4 It’s Purpose

So the Mind Flayer appears to be an alien creature who’s singular goal is to completely overtake the world, and it seems entirely possible that it has successfully done that to other dimensions before this one. And the Demodogs are some kind of hive minded animal that do the bidding of the Mind Flayer.

And it seems obvious that the Demogorgon is related to these other creatures somehow, but the reason for it’s actual existence seems to be completely unexplained, and it doesn’t seem like it fits that well into the overall mythology of this alien race.

3 It’s Sentience Level

The Demogorgon clearly had to be a significant and intimidating threat when it first appeared on the scene in Hawkins. But it does seem like the abilities and skills of the animal vary according to what is most convenient for the story at the time.

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At certain points it seems like the Demogorgon is nothing more than a predatory creature from another world, with a very simple goal and not a lot of thought behind it. However, it also somehow knows how to tear through dimensions, and may or may not have some kind of psychic abilities.

2 How It Got To The Upside Down

The Upside Down itself is a pretty confusing and mysterious place, and it’s unclear how big the dimension actually is. But when El initially makes contact with the Demogorgon, it appears to be in a completely alien place.

And then somehow there is a crack from that dimension into this one, and suddenly the Demogorgon seems to be in the Upside Down version of Hawkins. Clearly there is some metaphysical mojo going on that connected El to the monster, but it really makes no sense that the creature managed to go from wherever it was to where it is when it first starts terrorizing Hawkins.

1 How It Got Into The World

There are plenty of things that are baffling and amazing about the Demogorgon, but one of the biggest unanswered questions about the Demogorgon is how exactly it gets into this world in the first place.

I mean, presumably busting through the space-time continuum and going from one dimension to another isn’t exactly easy, but the Demogorgon makes it look like an absolute cakewalk. If this kind of transdimensional creature ever existed, how is it that it never came to the earthly dimension before now? And how does that whole dimension hopping thing even work?

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