The redemption arc of Steve “The Hair” Harrington over the course of Stranger Things‘ first two seasons left him a runaway fan favorite, which is saying a lot when considering the series’ amazing cast of characters. However, the immense popularity of the snobby, spoiled bad boy turned world’s greatest babysitter also left him with a big reputation to live up to going into season three.

And at a glance, it looks like he really managed to fill his own shoes! He might be struggling a little bit to “find himself” and working a dead end job at Scoops Ahoy, but he’s still very much the Steve Harrington fans have fallen head over heels for. Just to illustrate, Screen Rant has put together ten of Steve’s all time best moments over the course of Stranger Things season three. Check them out below!

10 Letting His Kids Sneak Into The Theater

Season three wastes little time in catching us up to where Steve Harrington is with his life. After Mike, Will, Lucas and Max meet up to go see a movie, they pop into Scoops Ahoy to find none other than Steve himself on the job, and they’ve got a favor to ask.

An exasperated Steve lets them into the mall’s maintenance hallways so that they can sneak into the theater, something they’ve obviously been doing pretty regularly since the mall went up. The guy could use a better job, sure, but at least we know he’s been keeping up with the crew.

9 Reuniting With Dustin

Steve’s unlikely bromance with Dustin was an absolute scene stealer over the course of season two, so fans were expecting big things out of this moment. And it most certainly doesn’t disappoint when Dustin strides into Scoops Ahoy for the first time.

Steve practically explodes with childlike exuberance as soon as he sets eyes on him, almost leaping over the counter as the two devolve into hysterics. After greeting one another with a mock lightsaber fight, Robin caps the moment off perfectly by asking, “How many children are you friends with?


8 He Finally Wins A Fight

Steve’s track record isn’t the greatest in terms of actually winning the fistfights he gets himself into. He’s handy when it comes to wielding nail-studded bats against the horrors spawned from the Upside Down, but he never seems able to gain the upper hand against other people. Until season three, that is.

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Confronted with a Russian soldier while he and the others are desperately trying to escape the bunker underneath Starcourt, Steve manages to get the better of the situation by bashing the trooper’s head with a phone. At long last, the man won a fight – there weren’t any rules against blunt objects, were there?

7 Cracking The Code

Robin definitely did most of the heavy lifting when it came to puzzling out the secret Russian transmission that Dustin had intercepted with Cerebro. But although puzzle solving may not be his strongest area of expertise, Steve managed to contribute to the process in a big way when he recognizes the musical tune playing underneath it.

As Steve, Dustin and Robin are leaving the mall, Steve has a rare stroke of genius as they walk past the Indiana Flyer coin-operated horse ride, recognizing that the song playing underneath the recording is the same one produced by the ride. This leads the crew to consider that the transmission actually came from inside the mall.

6 Spycraft

Now suspicious that the secret Russian transmission could have come from inside the mall, Steve and Dustin begin performing some “counter-espionage” around Starcourt, hiding in the fake plants with a pair of binoculars. They’re on the lookout for, to put it as they did, “evil Russians.”

They happen to spot one, or they at least seem to, when they spot a tall, muscular man with a duffel bag and dark sunglasses. They trail their suspect across the mall, managing to elude his attention until he finally… arrives to direct a Jazzercise class within his gym at the mall with an incredibly clear American accent. Well, you can’t win ’em all.

5 Trying To Prove He’s Still Got It

Steve Harrington may have come a long way since season one, but he still can’t seem to shake his womanizing ways. Unfortunately for him, scoring dates in the real world is an entirely different jungle than it was during high school.

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Of course, the adorable sailor’s outfit he’s forced to wear as a work uniform doesn’t seem to help matters much. He’s been striking out on his attempts to pick up a date so often that Robin’s made a game out of keeping score for him – and from the looks of things, he’s on a pretty impressive losing streak.

4 Time For A Snack

After Dustin and Erica manage to pull off a heroic rescue and extract the drug-addled duo of Steve and Robin from confinement and torture in the Russians’ secret bunker, they end up fleeing into the mall, and find themselves in dire need of a place to lay low.

Dustin leads them into a the theater, figuring a dark and quiet movie auditorium would make the best place for them to regroup and plan their further movements. But on the way in, Steve realizes he has the munchies, and literally raids the dumpster for an old bag of popcorn. That must’ve been some powerful stuff in that Russian syringe.

3 The USS Butterscotch

Things are looking pretty grim for Steve and Robin once the Russians capture and take them into their custody, to say the very least. Steve, in particular, gets it pretty rough. Strapped to a chair, he’s beaten and interrogated about who he works for and why he was infiltrating their facility. But even torture doesn’t rob him of his humor.

And really, he doesn’t do a whole lot of lying here – he works for Scoops Ahoy, as he continuously tells them. But being a less than satisfying answer, it gets him belted in the face every time he provides it. Desperate and driven delirious with pain, he offers them free ice cream in exchange for his freedom, particularly recommending the USS Butterscotch. It’s out of this world, as he says.

2 Just In Time

Steve has an uncanny ability to show up just in time to save the day. In season one, he charges back into the Byers home to save John and Nancy from the demogorgon. In season two, he manages to distract Billy at the very moment it looks like he’s going to hurt Lucas. Season three keeps up his proud tradition of last minute rescues.

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As Nancy and John are attempting to escape Starcourt Mall with the kids, they end up helpless as their car is stalling. To make matters worse, Billy Hargrove is revving his engine and preparing to run them down in his own car. Nancy fires a pistol as Billy speeds towards them, but none of the bullets land. Just when it seems they’re about to be run over, Steve speeds across the parking lot and sideswipes Billy’s car, knocking it to the side and stunning Billy.

1 His Heart To Heart With Robin

While they’re restrained in the Russian bunker, Robin confides in Steve that she had a sort of infatuation with him in high school. After they’ve escaped and they’re recovering from the Russian drugs in the Starcourt bathroom, Steve indicates that he’s got a crush on her – but her response isn’t at all what he expected.

Robin reveals that she didn’t necessarily have a crush on him. It was a girl that she had a crush on, and that girl simply wouldn’t take her eyes off of Steve. Though momentarily stunned, Steve doesn’t miss a beat, proceeding to take her coming out in stride as he immediately proceeds to joke around and engage in some friendly banter. It’s a sweet and heartfelt interaction that lays the foundation for one of the series’ best friendships yet.

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