Instantly Roman Roy makes an impression as the unhinged, loudmouth brother on Succession. Although looking past his ridiculous and often absurd comments, there’s no doubt that he’s exceptionally knowledgeable and attuned to the family business. He’s certainly got a great deal of truth behind what he says, despite his delivery being rough around the edges.

Deep down, his way of deflecting discomfort and embarrassment is by making jokes. So, with every harsh comment he makes, they all should be taken with a grain of salt.

When He Makes His Thoughts About Gerri As CEO Known

“Gerri, Excuse Me, But I’ve Always Thought Of You — And I Mean This In The Best Possible Way — As A Stone-cold, Killer B*tch.”

During Logan’s hospital scare all the way in season 1, the kids were trying to figure out who would make the best interim CEO. Roman has always championed Gerri as the most competent to run Wastar Royco, but when she was initially hesitant to take over the job it left him deeply confused.


And despite his compliment lacking any refinement, Gerri understood what he was trying to say, debunking his initial belief that he didn’t know how to corporate flirt. Any signs of vulgarity are Roman’s way of expressing recognition.

When He Reality Checks Connor

“Like Could You Maybe Get A Little Experience At Like A CVS, Something First?”

It’s obvious Connor is the failed son living on his father’s wealth, with no resume. Thus, when he announced his bid to run for president, the family sure didn’t hesitate to get a good laugh in and proceed to mock his overly ambitious plan.

And while Roman’s sole work experience may be in the family business, and his high ranking may be a result of nepotism rather than skill, it’s better than Connor’s track record. Albeit, even a job at CVS wouldn’t qualify Connor for the most important job in the country.

When He Can’t Show Weakness

“Nervous? Come The F**k On. For Din-dins With Fire Crotch And Normcore?”

In his fleeting moment of perceived maturity, Roman invited Shiv and Tom over for dinner. Upon their arrival, there was an awkward moment of silence between the siblings that usually never shut up. So Tabitha took the floor to gently tease Roman about his all-day anxiety toward the whole evening.

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Of course, Roman couldn’t show any sign of weakness and instead refuted with a quippy insult about his sister’s hair color and Tom’s wardrobe. Especially since Tom married into the Roy family wealth, his preppy wardrobe is his way of trying to fit in, so nothing could be more insulting than categorizing his fashion as normcore.

When He Enjoys Bashing Shiv

“You’re Tearing Apart My Sister’s Pious Bullsh*t For Your Entertainment? I Had A Dream Like This Once.”

Logan’s continual back and forth between who should take over as CEO when he steps down is a complete game. A game that he loves controlling and watching his children fight over.

However, when Rhea got involved and input her opinion on which of the Roy children has the chomps to take over, her dislike and disapproval for Shiv only offered Roman a leg up.

When He Tries To Outsmart Logan

“Let The Stone-cold B*tch Do It. She’s Tough, She’s Got The Good Chromosomes. For Whatever Reason, It Ain’t Romey Time, Then, Uh Maybe It’s Crony Time.”

Roman made the poor decision of trying to reverse psychology his father, the king of manipulation, by advocating that Gerri take over as CEO, when in actuality, Roman genuinely wanted the position.

This plan backfired, and Logan took this as a sign of timidity and immediately pulled Roman out of the race. Sadly, one of the saddest things about Roman in Succession is that he will likely never be his father’s heir. He better hope that at least his backup preference of Gerri taking over instead of Shiv succeeds. If not, at least he created a catchy slogan.

When He Corrects Greg’s Closed-Mindedness

“Greg, It’s Not 1997. It’s Not This. It’s Not That. Don’t Be So Binary, Mr. Betamax.”

When Roman’s original plan for Tom’s bachelor party fell through, he spontaneously took the group to a party inside an old, abandoned railway bridge building. Greg’s mind immediately got very creative, and instead of giving him a yes or no answer, Roman mocked him for thinking in binary terms.

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Apparently, not only is his perception of money skewed, so is his perception of time — 1997, really? Also, this was said by the man who arguably utters the most problematic and insensitive lines.

When He Got Lucky With His Rocket Ship Launch

“Guess Who Just Didn’t Kill Anyone, But Maybe Only Lost A Couple Thumbs?”

One of Roman’s worst traits is his incredible immaturity and nonchalance toward life. This prompted one of his greatest failures, which he still managed to walk away from nearly unscathed. During season 1, Roman worked on a spaceship launch in Japan.

In order to have the launch coincide with Shiv’s wedding day, he sped up the process and pushed it to happen before it was ready. As he watched the spaceship blow up, it left him momentarily remorseful. Until he learned that nobody died and there were only a few people who lost thumbs, then he was immediately relieved and forgot about the whole incident.

When He Makes A Keen Observation

“I am Repeatedly Entering My Own Mother.”

At Kendall’s birthday bash, he designed an entrance that provided an immersive look into his entire life — including his birth. So, when the siblings arrived, Roman didn’t pass up an ample opportunity to make the weird situation even weirder.

After all, he is high up on the list of the weirdest characters in Succession. Still, somehow, in spite of his unusual comments, he still remains a fan favorite.

When He Sums Up The Family Business

“Waystar? Waystar Royco? We Do Rollercoasters And Hate Speech.”

When Shiv arrived looking for Logan, Roman was there waiting like Dr. Evil in his rotating chair. Since Rhea had been smearing Shiv’s name due to her lack of experience, Logan and Roman both agreed.

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Not only did Roman get a good jab in by making Shiv look ignorant about the company, but he also alluded to the company’s history of poor publicity along with their laughable theme park expansion.

When He Gives Kendall A Hard Time

“What I Think He Meant To Say Was That He Wished Mom Had Given Birth To A Can Opener Because At Least Then It Would Be Useful.”

Even when Logan’s in the hospital fighting death, the kids still can’t put aside their grievances with one another to respectfully decide who should step in as interim CEO.

Kendall’s certain he should be the one to take over because Logan was already planning on announcing him before his health took a sharp turn. This led Shiv and Roman to instantly disagree and argue that Logan had already backed out from his earlier lack of judgment.

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