Hannah Berner isn’t out of the hot seat just yet following the Summer House reunion, as the villain is still under fire by show fans who called her out on Reddit. Most reality stars ignore the open-ended discussions on the social network. But Hannah is being accused of mocking the Redditors.

Viewers weren’t too impressed with Hannah’s behavior on and off the show this past season. After being called out by the majority of the cast during the two-part reunion, the Berning in Hell podcast host was put under public scrutiny on social media. Sponsors pulled their ads from the Summer House star’s podcast after she was called out for making insensitive comments about suicide. Most recently, onlookers dug up a clip of Hannah making a tasteless joke about autism that she has yet to address.


Now instead of issuing an apology or taking accountability, the Summer House star is accused of making fun of the viewers on Reddit who criticized her. One show fan started a thread on Reddit after noticing “Hannah and Paige talking crap about Reddit.” The Redditor behind the thread mentioned a recent podcast where they allegedly heard “Hannah proceeding to talk about the people on Reddit, how we all have no lives and live in our parent’s basements.” The Redditor reminded Hannah that many of the threads on the platform are actual fans of the shows they’re talking about. “I guess in Hannah’s mind, anyone against her and Paige lives in a basement and don’t have careers or lives.” They went on to blast Hannah for continuing “to put her foot in her mouth.

With the show’s two-part reunion having recently ended, Summer House‘s Hannah has been a hot topic on social media amid viewer backlash over Hannah’s poor choice of words and lack of accountability on the show. She recently addressed her suicide comments in a lengthy Instagram statement. But according to the Redditor, “All I got out of it was that it was two years ago so it doesn’t count.” While referencing Hannah’s assumption about her critics, the Redditor quipped that “the only people who want the drama and fakeness you bring actually do live in basements and don’t work.” Others joined the discussion, with one even mentioning where Hannah and Paige lived last year. “During quarantine weren’t both Paige and Hannah living with their parents? And sitting online all day with no lives is their job as demonstrated by them being on their phones all day in bed on the show,” they said.

This season, viewers got to see the housemates busy at work. But Summer House‘s Hannah and Paige were noticeably not as busy as their co-stars, with Hannah spending most of her time on the phone with Des Bishop. It looks like Hannah continues to do an amazing job at riling up viewers and defending her controversial actions. Time will tell where that takes her. Filming for Summer House season 6 is right around the corner.

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Source: Reddit

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