The highly innovative Super Mario Odyssey combines the complex movement and creative level designs of 3D Mario games of the past and creates arguably the greatest 3D platformer ever published. The colorful world combined with an unparalleled movement system makes Odyssey the most coveted Nintendo Switch game out now. Utilizing mechanics from prior 3D platformers, Odyssey provides avid Mario fans a polished title that rewards understanding and true mastery of its movement system. One of the newly introduced components of Mario’s mobility options is the inclusion of the new character, Cappy. Cappy provides fans of 3D Mario games an entirely new and unique option to navigate the vast world of Super Mario Odyssey.


As players embark on their journey through the lush levels of Odyssey mastering Cappy’s options is crucial to success. Cappy essentially provides a whole new skill ceiling for advanced players to experiment with. Giving Mario a ranged option in combat and opening up access to seemingly inaccessible locations. With some guidance, players will master Cappy and possess a new and advanced option to traversing the levels of Super Mario Odyssey. 

Memorizing the Action Guide in Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey provides players with an assortment of different movement options. From the boost given when three successful jumps are done in a sequence. To utilizing Mario’s newly introduced roll technique. A player must learn the basics and advanced techniques within the action guide before they should attempt anything with Cappy.

Some of the most essential techniques to learn are Mario’s ground pound jump, his dive, his roll and rolling jump and his backflip.

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The first move to master is Mario’s ground pound boosted jump. The reason behind learning this technique is due to its massively improved jump height. The boost provided after this ground pound significantly increases Mario’s jumping height. This will combo nicely into some of the other airborne maneuvers that Mario can perform. So utilizing that extra tall jump can allow players to access tall and hard to reach places.

The second movement ability an Odyssey player should master is the powerful dive technique. Mario’s dive allows players to increase their horizontal range as they try to traverse long gaps. This dive adds a considerable amount of range to Mario’s jumping capability and is crucial to utilizing some of Cappy’s strengths. This technique is performed by pressing the LZ button to initiate Mario’s ground pound. Right before Mario slams the ground there will be a slight pause. During this pause press, the X button and he will initiate his diving maneuver. Although its vertical height is very limited it provides Mario a vast horizontal boost to work with.

The third movement technique players should master are Mario’s roll and the jump associated with this roll. Players can perform this roll by crouching and pressing the X button rapidly. This allows Mario to begin rolling and with every press of the X button his speed with increase. Jumping out of this roll Mario will combine the speed of the roll to enact a long leap. This leap rather than covering a large amount of vertical space will give players a powerful horizontal jump technique. Similar to the dive this allows Mario to overcome even the longest jumps.

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The final technique a player should master is Mario’s backflip. As the name implies it allows Mario a high reaching backflip, which rivals the reach of the ground pound jump. This will allow players to reach high places and is relatively easy to perform. By crouching then pressing back and the jump button Mario will leap backward with a high reaching jump arc. This can help players to reach difficult places throughout levels.

How to Use Cappy in Super Mario Odyssey

Cappy plays one key role in assisting Mario’s movement capabilities. He allows the plumber to expand his horizontal reach to unparalleled capabilities.

How does Cappy add to Mario’s already powerful horizontal jumping abilities? The answer to this question lies in Cappy’s ability to float in one area for a prolonged period. This is done by pressing the Y button and hold it, this will force Cappy to stay in one place for a few seconds. Typically this move is used to break tough boxes or provide a wall to protect Mario, but in a movement context, it is much more versatile.

By using this technique Cappy is essentially a new platform for Mario to jump on. This momentary pause allows the magical hat to be used to give longer reach to Mario’s jumping abilities. The only question is how do player’s make use of this ability?

This is where the dive ability comes in. By diving in the direction of where Cappy is floating, players can land on the hat and be allowed another dive. So through this technique, you are allowed two dives length of space to cover. Keep in mind you can only jump on Cappy once during a sequence of dive jumps so be wise when using this technique.

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Now when combining the tall jumps of both the backflips and the ground pound jump, Mario is allowed to combine these tall jumps and the dive jumps to cover large amounts of space. If a player needs to make an extremely long horizontal jump make use of the rolling jump then a few dive jumps to cover the ground with ease.

The key to utilizing Cappy’s full potential is to creatively mix and match both his standard actions with the powerful dive jumps. Through Cappy’s platform ability Mario can reach unreachable places while also stylishly moving around an area. What makes Super Mario Odyssey such a beautiful gaming experience is the freedom it provides skilled players. You can tackle a challenge in the standard way provided by the game or you can utilize your technical skill to discover inventive solutions to given obstacles. So be creative in your ideas and most of all have fun traversing the great levels of Super Mario Odyssey. 

Super Mario Odyssey is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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