Elite Smash is the apex of the skill for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This game mode is measured by the players GSP (Global Smash Power). This raises and decreases after every online battle depending on if the player wins or loses. It’s not a perfect ranking system, as scores can be inflated by playing more casual rulesets, but this is the best way the player can measure their skills. Smash Ultimate describes Elite Smash as the highest epsilon of competitive players. This guide will describe how to unlock this game mode.

How To Unlock Elite Smash in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In order to unlock Elite Smash, players must win consecutively in-order to increase their Global Smash Power. The exact number of GSP is constantly increasing as it is measured based on how many people have played online in that region. So if the GSP goal is over 6 million points, it can increase as more people purchase the game and play online. Also, Elite Smash is locked behind a specific character, meaning if the player is able to achieve Elite Smash, the player can only play as the character they unlocked it with. It may be time-consuming and difficult to bring every character in the player’s roster to Elite Smash, but it just goes to show how much progress they have made. Also, it does not matter what character the player decides to pick up, since in-order to enter Elite Smash, the player must be one of the best players of that character. There is an average GSP for each player that calculates based on the average from all the characters played, but this does nothing in helping to unlock Elite Smash. The GSP needs to be raised off of that one specific character in order to unlock Elite Smash.


It is important to have a preferred move set when going through to unlock Elite Smash. If not, it’s very possible for rulesets to drastically change between games. The first game could be with all items on large stages while the second game could only include explosive items on Final Destination. It is important to set preferred rules to what the player wants to play to avoid any mixups. The majority of players who play in Elite Smash play with a competitive ruleset. Here are the rules the player should set in order to match with other competitive players for practice.

  • Format: 1v1
  • Rules: Stock
  • Stock: 3
  • Time Limit: 7:00
  • Stage: The player can select either Battlefield Form or Omega Forms, up to preference.
  • Items: None

These rules will pair up the player with other players with similar rulesets. Although for an unknown reason, sometimes the rules just don’t work, regardless if these are the preferred rules. It rarely happens, but it does every once and a while.

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To get into Elite Smash, it’s recommended to prioritize the character the player is the best with or their personal favorites. Playing personal favorites always fulfills the feeling of wanting to improve and removes some of the frustration of not knowing how the character plays. So for example, if the player enjoys playing as Donkey Kong, they should play as him, regardless of winning or losing. Giving up is not an option for unlocking Elite Smash. Once the character is in Elite Smash, the only way to get it removed is by losing several matches, or not playing for a while. Another player who also plays Donkey Kong can pass the player in GSP, thus kicking them out of Elite Smash. It’s also possible for players to have more casual rulesets to play in if that makes them win more, thus skyrocketing their GSP into Elite Smash and changing the ruleset back to competitive, but this is not a recommended method since the player won’t be able to defend their title for very long with gameplay experience. Losing is an important part of growing and Elite Smash is earned through victories.

While the metric for getting into Elite Smash isn’t definitive, it seems like the player must be in the Top 10% of players who play that character online. So if they want to be in Elite Smash for Donkey Kong and there are over 10,000 Donkey King players, they need to have a higher GSP than 1000 other players. There’s no real reward for unlocking Elite Smash. The only thing that changes is the player will have a new icon when selecting playing online in multiplayer. Entering Elite Smash is an excellent feeling, as its the game acknowledging the fact that the player has improved enough to be one of the best in the game. More games should reward players for their grind as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate does.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now on the Nintendo Switch

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