Supergirl season 3 of the series is set to introduce the alien shape-shifting race of the Tormocks. While extra-terrestrial villains served as the bulk of Supergirl‘s rogues gallery in seasons 1 and 2, season 3 has been a bit of departure. The show has focused more on introducing human villains like Adrian Pasdar’s Morgan Edge or guest star Chad Lowe’s charismatic cult leader Thomas Coville. However, Kara’s biggest threat in season 3 so far has perhaps been her mind, as she’s struggled to keep her emotions in check while mourning the loss of Mon-El.

However, Supergirl is now going back to its old conventions or it will be shortly. A casting listing has confirmed that the alien race Tormock will making an appearance, in at least one upcoming episode. This is a bit of surprise, as Tormocks aren’t exactly a “A-List” alien race in the DC Universe. The shape-shifting race of the Tormocks were used almost exclusively (and briefly) during an arc with Guy Gardner when he traded in his Green Lantern ring to become the “hero” known as Warrior. As obscure as the Tormocks are, there is plenty of reason to get excited about their inclusion based on the casting description alone.


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The casting description was uncovered by THS and reads:

[TORMOCK] Female, 20s-40s, open ethnicity.  A warrior of Amazonian stature, jacked, tough and brutal, she is a fierce alien prisoner. Dangerous and angry, she gets into a violent fight…GUEST STAR

The name for the character listing is presumably a placeholder and when the character appears, she will likely have a proper name. Regardless, the casting listing makes clear that the Tormocks are coming to Supergirl even if they have just a singular representative.

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It’s unclear when “Tormock” appears if she will be a villain or an ally for Kara and her team. It might be the easiest route for the character to be antagonist and the casting description certainly supports that idea, with the use of words like “brutal” and “fierce.” This is not even to mention that if Supergirl stays at least somewhat faithful to the source material, they’ll be able to embrace the shape-shifting aspect of the race. This can cause plenty of compelling conflict, even for just one episode. Supergirl has introduced shape-shifters, most notably in the form of series regular David Harewood’s J’onn J’onzz. However, typically the shape-shifters have followed J’onn’s lead and have been on the side of the angels, which more make Tormock’s inclusion an interesting twist on the formula.

Supergirl is no stranger to flipping comic conventions. Even though the Tormocks are undeniable villainous race in the comics, Supergirl has always felt free to take liberties with their source material and usually finds some sympathetic angle for their alien characters, even the antagonists. Tormock could begin Supergirl as a villain only to find her way into a bit of redemptive arc on the show.

Whether Tormock becomes a villain or a hero, perhaps the most interesting part of the casting news is that such a little-known race has been chosen to be introduced. Rather than be a negative aspect though, this just allows Supergirl to be really creative with the alien race and make it their own. This is something that Arrowverse has already done with the Dominators, who were introduced in the first ever four show crossover event and have been a recurring presence ever since.

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Supergirl continues Monday, November 20 with ‘Wake Up’ on The CW.

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Source: THS

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