In DC Comics, Superman is a wildly successful hero of untold strength and power, so much so that he can even weaponize a drop of his blood in a fight! Suffice it to say, Superman being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound is cool, but being able to fight (and probably win) only using his bodily fluids is another feat entirely.

Seen way back in an early 2000s issue of Big Blue’s then-ongoing series, Superman #211, by Brian Azzarello and Jim Lee, sees Supes in the middle of a predicament that’s been taking an immense toll on this normally unflappable hero. Feeling responsible for being unable to save the million people that have mysteriously vanished off of the face of the planet (including his main squeeze, Lois Lane), Superman hits rock bottom looking for ways to bring them back safely and resorts to doing something so drastic that even one of his super-colleague has something to say about it.


Met by a concerned Wonder Woman at his Fortress of Solitude, Superman has the bright idea of using a machine called “The Vanishing Device,” or the piece of tech that originally disappeared the million people, on himself in a last-ditch effort to figure out where everyone has gone. Thinking it to be suicide since it’s highly likely that Superman may end up inadvertently killing himself once the machine is used, Wonder Woman decides it’s up to her to stop Superman before he does something he can’t take back. And it’s here where the idea of Superman using his blood as a weapon comes to the forefront of the story.

Equipped with a specially made magical dagger that she can use to break Superman’s skin, Wonder Woman lets Supes know that she won’t back down until he’s stopped. And as the tension mounts, Wonder Woman slices Superman’s cheek, drawing blood and his ire in the process, allowing him to show just how strong he can be without throwing a punch. Telling Wonder Woman that she won’t stop him from doing what he needs to do to save the people he let down, Superman wipes the blood from his cheek and flicks it towards Diana at super speed, cracking the hilt of her sword that she blocks it with, and effectively showing that Superman can fight armed with only a single drop of blood.

No doubt comprised of a slightly denser kind of blood thanks to being a Kryptonian, the fact that Superman can weaponize something as harmless as a drop of his body fluid really goes to show what kind of strength this Man of Steel is packing. And considering the fact that he can most likely fling anything fast enough to turn it into a lethal projectile, it stands to reason that he could potentially turn a particularly bloody fight into a storm of deadly blood droplets in a way that would make the most squeamish of DC heroes (and villains) turn tail and run.

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So while it’s no easy feat to make Superman bleed in the first place, watch out if one of his rogues succeeds in drawing blood because as seen in this issue, a single drop can be just as effective as any one of his super punches. Superman may not ever bleed enough to take out an entire army of bad guys, but if that battle should ever come to pass, he’ll be able to keep on fighting until his last breath, or in this case, his last drop of blood.

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