Warning: contains spoilers for Superman: Son of Kal-El #5!

DC’s new Superman is now romantically involved with his new boyfriend – but he also has found the perfect excuse to leave him in any situation. As the son of Clark Kent, Jonathan Kent constantly struggles to live up to his father’s name, which also means saving innocent lives as often as he can. As luck would have it, one of the first people he saved was Jay Nakamura – and in a textbook case of ‘like father, like son’, the new Superman has also fallen in love with a journalist.

In the Superman: Son of Kal-El series, Jonathan Kent has officially taken up his father’s name while he’s off-world, but the villains of the Earth don’t go easy on him simply because he’s younger than his father. A sinister plot is brewing courtesy of President Bendix of the island nation of Gamorra. After a refugee crisis in which Gamorran immigrants find themselves at the mercy of the Metropolis police, Bendix unleashes an attack on Superman, supercharging his senses – and powers – to insane levels.


Superman spends most of the issue flying around the world, saving hundreds of lives and stopping disasters. He’s incredibly weak and tired after his feats, something he didn’t think was possible. At Jay’s apartment, he gets some well-earned rest and relaxation…for nine hours (Jay thoughtfully gave Superman noise-cancelling headphones to help him block out the world). Superman is overwhelmed, but Jay reminds him that “…with my powers, I can’t actually be hurt…I’m the one person in the world you don’t have to worry about.” Superman and Jay kiss, but the moment is unfortunately interrupted.

Superman stands up, ready to leave. Jay is nonplussed before Superman clarifies “It’s not you, it’s an armed robbery.” This is quite the perfect reason for Superman to leave, but it’s also a fantastic excuse Jon (or Clark) can use to get out of any awkward situation: either man could simply claim that someone else on the other side of the world needs them and fly away at multiple times the speed of sound. That’s certainly not in their character at all (Superman and Jon rarely if ever lie, and would certainly not make up a crime for personal gain), but the point still stands.

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As of the fifth issue, Superman and Jay’s relationship has only just begun. Time will tell if this will stick or if Jay Nakamura ends up being Jon’s personal Lana Lang. Until then, this Superman truly has the best possible excuse to leave Jay at any time he wants.

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