There’s no doubt that Batman and Superman are going to one day leave gigantic shoes to fill. But when it comes to replacing the heroes, it might be easier to find a new Dark Knight than a replacement Man of Steel.

As far as the top heroes of the DC Universe are concerned, Superman and Batman have proven themselves to be two of the most indispensable forces for good. But even heroes as resolute as Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent have found themselves needing others to step up and fill in for them in their absence. Because of injuries and even death, Batman has had allies like Dick Grayson take on the cape and cowl to keep Gotham from tearing itself apart. And while not as common, Superman has had others, like Jon Kent, take on Clark’s mantle when the hero was otherwise preoccupied with other affairs.


But it seems like trying to replace Superman is a much more difficult task than it is replacing Batman. In Superman #694 by James Robinson and Renato Guedes, Mon-El has finally gotten through his worst experience since taking over for Superman as Metropolis’ protector after Clark left for New Krypton. After escaping Lois Lane’s father, General Sam Lane, and his evil Project 7734, Mon retreats to the safety and security of the Kent Farm in Smallville, Kansas. With Martha and Conner Kent listening to his woes, Mon reveals he feels as though he’s failed Superman by not living up to the hero’s standard. While Mon-El has defeated villains and kept the city safe, Mon has neglected an important aspect of his duty: reminding citizens of who he’s representing and the ideals that Superman stands for.

Mon-El isn’t the only person who has seen how hard it is to live up to Clark’s example. Superman’s son Jon Kent has encountered his own difficulties filling in for his father after he left Earth in Jon’s hands. Clearly the role of Superman is a weighty one and becoming Superman is more than just being powerful or faster than any enemies. It involves keeping up the principles Clark has brought to the role and making sure that the civilians know what their hero is fighting for. In essence, it’s a much more difficult job than replacing Batman.

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Compared to Superman, Batman has had a few more people act in his stead when Bruce couldn’t fulfill his duties including Dick Grayson, Jim Gordon, and Jace Fox. However, all of these people have been able to take on the Caped Crusader’s mantle and keep Gotham safe from its many enemies. It seems that the Batman moniker is much more conducive to others stepping in, provided they get the approval of the Bat-Family. On the other hand, it takes a special kind of person to be able to replace Superman. Someone needs a good mix of power and a general awareness of the role they play as a symbol of hope for the entire world. There may be those that look up to Batman, but any Superman replacement is going to have the eyes of millions on them all the time.