Warning! Spoilers ahead for Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man!

Superman and Spider-Man once went on a double date together. This occurred in 1976’s Superman vs. The Amazing Spiderman, where Peter Parker and Clark Kent met for the first time. Not only did the two iconic heroes cross over for the first time, but this comic marked DC and Marvel’s first crossover ever. Undoubtedly, this was a huge deal in the comic book world as it set the precedent for future crossovers.

In this issue, Superman and Spider-Man have their own prologues, setting up the events that are to unfold. In Metropolis, Superman takes on Lex Luthor who operates from an enormous robot that he built. Not long afterwards, Superman tracks down Lex’s location and takes him down. Meanwhile, in New York, Spider-Man and Dr. Octopus have an extensive fight that ends up with the villain being sent to prison. And it just so happens that the two villains end up in the same prison as cellmates. After only a couple of minutes of being locked up, Lex hatches a plan to escape and he takes Dr. Octopus with him. They realize that they can work with each other to trap both of their enemies by drawing them together.


In Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee, Carmine Infantino, Gerry Conway, and Ross Andru, Lex and Dr. Octopus successfully get Superman and Spider-Man to fight. They accomplish this by kidnapping Lois Lane and Mary Jane Watson and tricking Superman into thinking Spider-Man is responsible. However, Superman and Spider-Man aren’t fooled for too long as they realize they’ve been played. Teaming up together, they form a special bond as they relentlessly try to put a stop to their enemies and also save their better halves. With Superman and Spider-Man having spent a lot of time together, just like Lois Lane and Mary Jane do while in captivity, it’s natural that they all bond. As they stride away victorious, Superman and Spider-Man set out on a double date.

This happens at the end of the issue as they walk away into the sunset, knowing that both Lex Luthor and Dr. Octopus are locked away, at least for now. And just like normal people, they plan to go out and have a nice time. All four of them link arms as they walk to their intended destination, ready to have a good drink and a celebratory meal. It’s already overwhelming for fans to see these two major DC and Marvel heroes crossing over, but them going on a double date is the icing on the cake. Quite simply, it’s a comic book fan’s dream to see them as friends.

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The very concept of Superman and Spider-Man being partners is amazing, but seeing it play out is something to behold. Superman vs the Amazing Spider-Man is a landmark issue that broke both Marvel and DC’s comic book worlds by seemingly confirming they exist simultaneously. There’s an obvious parallel to be made with Superman and Spider-Man‘s double date as it’s quite literally what DC and Marvel are doing in this issue. They are both coming together to create a new and exciting comic, forgetting about their rivalry to make an event big and crazy enough to have the whole comic book world watching.

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