While most DC fans are familiar with the fact that Batman punched out Green Lantern, fewer know that when Superman found out about the Dark Knight’s “one punch” knockout, he could barely conceal his delight. While the punch has since passed into DC lore, Superman and Wonder Woman weren’t actually present for the incredibly brief fight, meaning that sooner or later, the Dark Knight had to come clean to his most trusted allies.

The punch happened in Justice League #5 – from Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire – when Green Lantern Guy Gardner challenged Batman for leadership of the Justice League International. Ignoring the counsel of Shazam (then going by Captain Marvel), Batman baited the temperamental Gardner into instigating a confrontation before knocking him unconscious with a single blow. The punch was favorably received, with Blue Beetle howling, “One punch! One punch!” Team members Mister Miracle and Martian Manhunter seemed to approve, while Black Canary declared, “Batman belted him — and I missed it?”


But while the rest of the team shed no tears over the hotheaded Green Lantern’s humiliation, the Man of Steel made it clear he didn’t approve in 2006’s Justice League of America #0… at least at first. Created by Brad Meltzer and a huge array of artists, the issue jumps between key moments in the friendship of DC’s Trinity heroes. The moment joins Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman shortly after the “one punch,” with Diana hilariously revealing that Black Canary took (and distributed) photos. Superman’s first response is outrage, reminding Batman, “Bruce, you can’t punch other Leaguers like that!” but he can’t quite muster the stern response he wants to give, stopping mid-sentence to ask, “It felt good, didn’t it?” and requesting that the Dark Knight recreate the moment.

As intended, it’s a sweet moment of bonding between the three heroes. Guy Gardner has long been known as someone who’s difficult to work with – partly due to his long-running insecurity at being the Guardians of the Universe’s second choice as Earth’s Green Lantern – and while Superman disapproves of disrespecting other Justice League heroes on principle, it’s clear his personal opinion of Guy doesn’t quite match what he knows he should say, and that he’s close enough to Bruce and Diana to let the mask of duty slip.

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There’s also the poignant fact that Superman has never, and will never, be able to misbehave in the same way. Batman is an expert combatant who has trained his whole life, knowing exactly how hard to hit Guy to knock him out without causing serious harm. While Superman has incredible control of his powers, they make physical confrontations with humans morally indefensible and physically impossible. It’s likely his reaction has as much to do with the joy of being able to indulge in punching out a loudmouth as it does general disapproval of Guy. For her part, Wonder Woman’s warrior upbringing means she doesn’t even have to pretend to disapprove.

While comic fans may pick up DC comics to see Superman and Batman fighting side by side against impossible odds, it’s small moments of characterization like this that create lifelong fans. Seeing Superman‘s initial shock at Batman punching out Green Lantern, then his reluctant admission that he gets it, is as important of a moment for the World’s Finest as any mission to take down Lex Luthor, adding to an already iconic moment by letting fans in on the fact that even the Dark Knight is willing to let his guard down and boast from time to time.

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