Superman and One-Punch Man are both absolute powerhouses in their respective universes, and almost everyone who challenges them winds up regretting it – but what would happen if they challenged each other? Who would win in a fight between the Last Son of Krypton and the Guy Who’s a Hero for Fun? The answer may surprise you.

In many ways, Superman set the gold standard for all other comic book heroes. As one of the first superheroes ever created, the allure of Superman was that he was basically unbeatable. He had super-strength, speed, heat vision, could leap tall buildings in a single bound – a power that was later changed to full-on flight – and more. As if that’s not enough, his list of abilities continues to grow in the modern era.


While the feats of the Silver Age Superman border on sheer absurdity, the character has become more down-to-Earth over the years. The Man of Steel is no longer the invincible he once was – in fact, he’s lost to some people far less powerful than he is. In addition, Superman has some easily exploitable weaknesses. Everyone knows Kryptonite is a surefire way to take him down, but Superman also vulnerable to magic and attacks from others who have immense strength, such as Wonder Woman. This is why Doomsday was able to kill him in The Death of Superman story.

While Superman has taken more than a few losses in his day, One-Punch Man has yet to take any – at least when it comes to fighting. Once an average, down-on-his luck guy with no job, Saitama was motivated to become a hero after seeing a crab monster attack a young boy. After intervening and successfully defeating the monster, Saitama gave up looking for a normal job and spent the next three years training to become a superhero – and boy did it pay off. He became the hero known as One-Punch Man, a being so powerful that he can defeat any opponent in, as his name implies, just one punch. In addition, he can fly, move at super-speed, and is basically indestructible (sound familiar?) In fact, Saitama is so ridiculously overpowered that he actually gets upset because no one is able to challenge him…but could Superman?

While the Man of Steel could probably at least provide Saitama with the challenge he is so desperate to find, it’s unlikely he would actually win. The One-Punch Man character is designed to be a satire of heroes like Superman and Goku who can seemingly surmount any odds. The difference is that with One-Punch Man, the illusion of a challenge is dropped entirely. It’s difficult to imagine him in a serious battle scenario because he comedically defeats all of his opponents with a single punch. As powerful as Superman is, he just can’t compete with that. The winner is One-Punch Man.

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