Both Superman and the Green Lantern Corps are extremely powerful for different reasons, but who would win in a fight? Although Superman is often referred to as DC’s strongest hero, there are threats out there that can overpower the Man of Steel. Likewise, the members of the Green Lantern Corps are chosen by their rings, only enlisting the best candidates in the universe. There have been a few occasions in comic book history with Superman and Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern fighting, but would Superman stand a chance against the full wrath of the Green Lantern Corps?

The Green Lantern Corps is a galactic collective of heroes tasked with protecting the DC universe. They are often referred to as a cosmic police force as each lantern has a designated sector which they patrol and protect. It’s commonly known amongst comic fans that the Green Lantern power ring is one of the strongest weapons in DC Comics. Not only does it allow its host to fly, but it grants them the power to create energy constructs. And these constructs are not just for display, they pack a serious punch if used in the right way.


From the very moment that Kal-El landed on Earth, he has been extremely powerful. The longer he stays under Earth’s yellow sun, which powers his uniquely Kryptonian cells, the more strength he is imbued with. Like the Green Lanterns, Superman can fly. But what gives him an advantage is the fact that he has many different superpowers, not just one or two like the lanterns. Superman has heat vision, freeze breath, X-ray vision, super hearing, flight, super strength and invulnerability. Naturally, it’s incredibly hard to defeat the Man of Steel.

The deciding factor as to who would win between Superman and the Green Lantern Corps comes down to a power that was introduced in DC Comics Presents #26. In this issue, Superman fights an alien who wields a Green Lantern ring. The Green Lantern imposter uses his ring to construct a Kryptonite meteor, out of nowhere. At first, this doesn’t make much sense, even for a Green Lantern. However, it’s revealed that the Green Lantern ring, being energy-based, has the capability of replicating Kryptonite’s radiation. Therefore, it can be assumed that all Green Lanterns have the same ability if they ever want to tap into it. Additionally, the alien using the ring in DC Comics Presents #26 is not a Green Lantern, he is an imposter, so imagine the damage that the Green Lantern Corps could do.

Superman could easily take on one or two members of the Green Lantern Corps, but taking on a whole army who can create and wield Kryptonite out of nothing may be too much even for the Man of Steel. Ultimately, readers will never know the true outcome of such a monumental fight, unless DC Comics has a big battle secretly brewing, but it is exciting to think about the possibilities.

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