Warning: contains preview images for World of Krypton #4!

The feud between Superman and General Zod is one of DC’s oldest, and in a preview for World of Krypton #4, it gets a new origin. The World of Krypton mini-series has redefined Superman’s home world for a new generation, offering readers new perspectives on the House of El and its role in Kryptonian society—including its rivalry with the House of Zod. The issue is on sale in print and digital March 1.

In the Superman mythos, General Zod is one of his greatest villains. A fascist military leader who attempted to seize power in a coup, he was banished to the Phantom Zone by Jor-El, Superman’s father, and this has traditionally been viewed as the start of Zod’s grievances with the House of El. However, DC’s recent World of Krypton mini-series has taken a more nuanced approach, showing that once upon a time, the House of El and the House of Zod worked together, despite their differing perspectives. The House of El were scientists and academics, and the House of Zod was military—yet they found common ground. World of Krypton is also chronicling Krypton’s last days, as Jor-El frantically works to save the planet. As Krypton’s destruction looms, Zod pays a visit on Jor-El, a visit that will prove fateful in the long run. The issue is written by Robert Venditti, illustrated by Michael Avon Oeming, colored by Nick Filardi and lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.


General Zod has learned that Krypton is doomed and pays a call on Jor-El to offer help. However, Zod’s “help” is not welcomed, as it would involve imposing military law on Kryptonian society, which Jor-El predicts would lead to pushback. Zod continues to plead his case, but Jor-El will not listen. The exchange becomes heated, and Zod strikes Jor-El. Genuinely regretful, Zod tries to help Jor-El to his feet. Jor-El repays Zod by throwing punches at him, all of which Zod dodges. Jor-El tells Zod that he cannot just impose his will on the people, and that the House of El built Krypton. Having had enough, Zod levels Jor-El with a series of blows, telling him that if it had not been for the military sacrifices of the House of Zod, the House of El never would have achieved greatness.

The preview ends there, leaving readers waiting until March 1 to see Zod and Jor-El conclude their fight, but it is clear that a great feud has begun. Previous portrayals of Zod have shown him to be bloodthirsty with no redeeming value, but Venditti and Oeming flip that on its ear here, showing that Zod genuinely cares about his home world, and wants to save it, even if his means are extreme and violent. Jor-El is correct that Zod’s plan to save Krypton will backfire, inspiring massive resistance among the people, yet readers know that Jor-El’s method, of convincing the population of the planet’s destruction, is doomed to fail as well, leading readers to question what the appropriate path forward might be.

Ultimately, Superman and General Zod’s rivalry boils down to issues of class and family: Zod’s family has sacrificed much to safeguard Krypton. General Zod wishes to save the planet once again but is at odds with Jor-El’s more ivory tower approach, leading to a generations long blood feud.

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