Lara Lane-KentSuperman‘s tragically murdered daughter, is recreated in a new body paint cosplay. Lara is from the Injustice universe – an alternate reality in which Superman becomes an authoritarian villain after being tricked into killing Lois Lane (and all of Metropolis) by the Joker, prompting Kal-El to kill him in turn. While Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting game, DC also published multiple comic series establishing the events leading up to the first game, and bridging the gap from the first game to its sequel, Injustice 2. Despite expectations for a game tie-in series, the Injustice comics quickly developed into one of DC’s most engaging alternate worlds, depicting how a huge cast of characters react to the war between Batman and Superman.


Tragically, Lois was pregnant when Joker orchestrated her death, and in Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three‘s “For the Man Who’s Lost Everything” (by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarran, Xermanico, Rex Lokus, and Wes Abbott), Superman is trapped in a supernatural dream where Lois lived and the couple got to raise their daughter. Having been put to sleep using the hallucinogenic Black Mercy plant, Superman dreams what would have happened if his daughter had lived.

A compassionate hero raised by the Justice League, Lara grows up to be a major hero, taking a leadership position in the fight to save the planet from environmental collapse, and wearing a modified version of her father’s costume with pride. Sadly, the dream passes, and Superman eventually returns to the real world, with both the torture and comfort of having experienced what might have been. Now, Lara Lane-Kent returns in a new cosplay by Melissa Croft, shared on Twitter. A cosplay artist who works with body paint, Croft has a long history of recreating Marvel and DC heroes as mainstream as Wonder Woman, and as obscure as X-Men‘s Rasputin IV (and Lara herself.) Croft recreates the hero in a short video, where the Kryptonian-human hybrid unleashes beams of heat vision.

Taylor’s reflection on the perfect world Injustice could have been did some subtle things with the world’s lore. First, making Lara Lane-Kent yet another person – like Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lex Luthor – whose double-L name marks them as pivotal to Superman’s life, and second confirming that the ‘evil Superman’ of this story was already prone to authoritarian instincts before Joker’s attack, deepening him into a character who isn’t merely the mainstream Clark Kent gone bad. While widely celebrated games, Injustice: Gods Among Us set up some core plot events that leaned into the excessive and cliche, but “For the Man Who’s Lost Everything” managed to retroactively give Lara her own voice and potential, framing the deaths of Lois Lane and her unborn child as tragedies unto themselves, rather than a pure “women in refrigerators” moment for Superman (though Injustice remains very much an exploration of Clark Kent gone wrong, and Bruce Wayne’s reaction.)

Lara is about as obscure as a DC superhero can get, appearing incredibly briefly and as a theoretical person. And yet Melissa Croft’s cosplay brings her to life in a new way, showing the ability of fan art to explore characters in new contexts – sometimes with the effect of getting major companies to reconsider their worth. As DC’s Infinite Frontier era brings all versions of continuity back into canon somewhere in the multiverse, there’s a slim chance fans may get to meet Superman‘s daughter Lara Lane-Kent again – a chance that increases while awesome fan art keeps her alive.

Source: Melissa Croft

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